“5 Reasons Singles Should Participate in Temple Sealings,” Ensign, March 2019
Digital Only: Young Adults
5 Reasons Singles Should Participate in Temple Sealings
We can benefit from participating in sealings even while we’re single!
Photograph by Marcia Hansen
When prophets encourage us to perform temple ordinances for our ancestors, this includes all the necessary ordinances of salvation. However, some young single adults might avoid sealings, thinking they are relevant only to those who are married. But that’s not true! There are blessings unique to the sealing ordinance that can help us right now if we will participate.
Many single adults assume that performing proxy sealings without a spouse will be awkward. But as with most ordinances, our experience depends on our preparation. If we approach a sealing session as an opportunity to learn, help redeem the dead, and feel the Spirit, then we won’t be held up by marital status.
Here are just five reasons why we singles can enjoy doing sealings.
We’ll come to understand and appreciate the significance of the sealing ordinance.
We might not be married, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t ready to be blessed by a greater understanding of the eternal marriage covenant. In fact, the gospel pattern for all our covenants is to learn about them before we make them. Nowhere else in the temple can we hear the powerful words of the sealing ordinance, which is laden with profound instruction and celestial promises. We can learn much about “the new and everlasting covenant” (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19) just from the scriptures, Church leaders, and other Church materials. But if we have the opportunity, actually participating in sealings for our ancestors can help us begin to digest the ordinance’s complete, glorious implications for our futures.
Proxy sealings will help prepare us to be better spouses.
Whether our own sealing is in the near or distant future, we will be more prepared for eternal marriage by deepening our understanding of this crowning ordinance. One of the best ways for us to become familiar with those covenants we’ll make “for time and for all eternity” (Doctrine and Covenants 132:7) is by witnessing them being made in the temple. We can listen to the promises we will make to our spouse and to the Lord so that when we’re actually married, we’ll know what’s expected of us and be ready to meet those expectations. If we’re faithful, we won’t be denied any promised blessing of the gospel. Listening to the blessings of the sealing ordinance while we’re single can give us something wonderful to look forward to, whenever that time comes.
Our ancestors are waiting for us to do the sealings for them!
Temple work is even better when paired with family history. I experienced this myself when I brought a family name, for whom I had already received all the other ordinances, to be sealed to his parents. I had a strong spiritual impression that my ancestor was watching and that he had accepted the work I had done for him. This feeling wouldn’t have been the same if I’d stopped short of the sealing.
Sealings provide unique opportunities to learn.
Each temple ordinance is loaded with symbolism. Temple sealings teach us truths that aren’t emphasized in other ordinances through symbols such as the altar and the mirrors placed to represent eternity. We can listen to the sacred words of the sealing covenant. At times, the sealer might even offer some inspired thoughts on the importance and meaning behind the ordinance.
Sealings put our lives in perspective.
Participating in proxy sealings won’t change our marital status, but it will give us a clear idea of what’s in store for us. Helping our ancestors make this covenant will help us form our own trajectory to do the same. If we see the blessings of eternity only as lofty and far-off goals, we’re shortchanging ourselves the chance to begin experiencing them now. The gospel is all about preparing for and honoring covenants, and a powerful way to do this is to live worthily and perform essential temple ordinances—all of them.