In the News
April 2008

“In the News,” Ensign, Apr. 2008, 80

In the News

Worldwide Leadership Training Materials Available

The text of the February 9, 2008, Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting for all adult members of the Church on raising a righteous posterity will be published as a self-contained booklet and shipped with the June 2008 Ensign and Liahona magazines. The booklet will be available in 23 languages.

Text in 77 languages is also available on LDS.org. The broadcast will be made available on DVD in 16 languages through distribution centers.

March Special Issue Cover Art Available

The art used on the cover of the March 2008 Liahona and Ensign special issue on the Savior is available in three sizes through distribution centers worldwide and on LDScatalog.com.

The depiction of Jesus Christ by Carl Heinrich Bloch (detail from Christ with Boy) will be available as a 5”x7” print (item no. 06642-000), an 8”x10” print (item no. 06643-000); and an 11”x17” print (item no. 06641-000).

Danish Painter Carl Bloch (1834–1890) was commissioned in 1866 to create 23 new paintings for the restored Frederiksborg Castle chapel. The assignment to illustrate the life of Christ took nearly 14 years.

Portuguese Triple Available Online

Portuguese-speaking members of the Church can now study the LDS triple combination on the Internet. The Portuguese version of the LDS Scriptures Internet Edition with footnotes, study helps, maps, photographs, and the ability to mark scriptures was released in February 2008 at http://scriptures.lds.org/pt.

Downloadable compressed audio files of the scriptures in Portuguese were placed online in 2007. English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish text versions of the triple are also online.

Disabilities Web Site Offers Resources

A new section of LDS.org, disability.lds.org, has been created to offer orientation, support, comfort, and an increased level of acceptance toward those with disabilities.

Individuals with a disability and their caregivers, leaders, teachers, and members of their ward or branch may find greater understanding of specific disabilities and some of the difficulties faced by those involved. The site also answers frequently asked questions, lists available materials, and provides links to other helpful sites.