Sunday Dinner Quiz
February 2007

“Sunday Dinner Quiz,” Ensign, Feb. 2007, 73

Sunday Dinner Quiz

“Who spoke in sacrament meeting today?” “What topics did they address?” These and other questions form a simple game our family likes to play at the Sunday dinner table. Over the years our friendly quizzes have not only helped our children to pay closer attention to what’s said in sacrament meeting, but they have also sparked meaningful gospel discussions at home.

When our children were younger, we began by asking simple questions like “Who said the opening prayer?” or “What is the name of the deacon who passed the sacrament to our family?” Later we advanced to questions that required more understanding: “What scriptures did Sister Smith quote in her talk?” “How did they apply to the topic?” “Can you think of other scriptures that would also apply?”

Not every Sunday dinner is a doctrinal buffet. But playing this game has increased our family’s reverence at church. As a result, we are better prepared to learn from the talks and feel the influence of the Holy Ghost during sacrament meeting.
Brad Snell, California