1997 Art Competition to Focus on LDS Pioneering
December 1995

“1997 Art Competition to Focus on LDS Pioneering,” Ensign, Dec. 1995, 69

1997 Art Competition to Focus on LDS Pioneering

Latter-day Saint artists around the world are invited to celebrate “150 Years of Pioneering” in the Church by submitting entries for the Fourth International Art Competition sponsored by the Museum of Church History and Art.

Entry forms have been mailed to hundreds of Latter-day Saint artists. Those whose names are not on the mailing list may request an entry form and copy of the announcement by writing to the museum at 45 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150. Entries are due by November 1996.

The exhibition opens 28 March 1997. Works will be shown during spring and summer of 1997, which is the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley.

Museum director Glen M. Leonard said the art submitted should depict or reflect a theme, value, concept, or image drawn from Latter-day Saint pioneer past or present. Artists are encouraged to submit works celebrating pioneering in the twentieth century in all parts of the world.

Noting that Latter-day Saints live in many lands, art curator Robert O. Davis said, “We hope to see themes that reflect what it means to meet the challenges of today’s world as well as of the nineteenth century.”

He explained that artists may memorialize the early pioneers or express how the pioneering spirit infuses the collective lives of members of the Church.
