Back to the Fold and Now a Shepherd
July 1990

“Back to the Fold and Now a Shepherd,” Ensign, July 1990, 72

Back to the Fold and Now a Shepherd

After being less-active for seventeen years, Hoterene Mau decided to return to church. Still, it took him nearly eight months to pluck up the courage to enter the building. “When I finally entered, I sat down at the back, and I just couldn’t help feeling the Spirit that was there. It was so strong I cried for two hours. I knew right then and there this was where I had to be, and I have been to church ever since.”

Hoterene now serves as bishop of the Masterton ward in the Upper Hutt New Zealand Stake. But this has not been without great difficulty. Since his reactivation seven years ago, he has suffered kidney failure and must be on a dialysis machine for twenty-four hours each week.

The kidney failure kept him from his work as a truck driver for two years while his condition was being stabilized. During this time, the family existed on a sickness benefit but made sure they never missed paying their tithes and offerings. “It’s a great testimony to me that although it was hard at times, we always had enough for our needs,” Bishop Mau says.

Hoterene expresses great love for his wife, Annette, who strengthened him through all their challenges and cared for their four children at the same time. Annette currently serves as a Primary president.—Tina Dil, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

Photo by Roland Heazlewood