New Dance Manual Available
March 1985

“New Dance Manual Available,” Ensign, Mar. 1985, 80

New Dance Manual Available

“Recreation and diversion are as necessary to our well-being as the most serious pursuits of life,” said Brigham Young. (Journal of Discourses, 13:61.) In this spirit, the General Activities Committee of the Church has introduced the Dance Manual (PBAC0078). Part of a series of such manuals, the new Dance Manual is now available at Church distribution centers for $4.25.

The manual provides instruction on dance parties, square dancing, folk dancing, social dancing, round dancing and mixers, and dance festivals. Reflecting the international nature of the Church, the folk dancing section contains dances from Denmark, the Philippines, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Scotland, England, Taiwan, and the United States.

Among the helps included with the new manual are three audiocassette tapes which provide almost ninety minutes of music. The tapes can be used as helps in learning individual dances or as the basis of a dance festival. Copyrights and royalties on all the music have been cleared.

The manual can be used to instruct groups of all ages. It also gives suggestions for the planning and conducting of floor shows and dance exhibitions on a ward, stake, or regional basis.