Stakes Nearing 1,000 Mark
December 1978

“Stakes Nearing 1,000 Mark,” Ensign, Dec. 1978, 55

Stakes Nearing 1,000 Mark

The number of stakes in the Church reached 964 by the end of the third quarter of 1978, edging toward a possible 1,000 by the end of the year.

Nineteen new stakes were formed between July 1 and September 30—down from the forty-five formed during the preceding three months. One reason for the decrease is that members of the Quorum of the Twelve were not scheduled to attend stake conferences and organize new stakes during July.

New stakes formed from missions were Aarhus Denmark, Tapachula Mexico, Christchurch New Zealand, Sapporo Japan, State College Pennsylvania, and Tegucigalpa Honduras. None was the first stake in any country.

Stakes organized from existing stakes were Hanford California, Sandpoint Idaho, Hemet California, Sandy Utah Central, Winslow Arizona, Duncan Arizona, Alexandria Louisiana, Anchorage Alaska North, Layton Utah Holmes Creek, Centralia Washington, Pocatello Idaho Chubbuck, Buenos Aires Argentina Merlo, and North Ogden Utah Ben Lomond.

1978 Stake Growth

1978 Stake Growth