“Statistical Report 1975,” Ensign, May 1976, 17
Saturday Afternoon Session, April 3, 1976

Statistical Report 1975
For the information of the members of the Church:
The First Presidency issued the following statistical report concerning the membership of the Church at the end of the year 1975:
Church Units
Number of stakes of Zion at the close of 1975 |
737 |
Number of wards |
5,095 |
Number of independent branches in stakes |
1,295 |
Total wards and independent branches in stakes at the close of the year |
6,390 |
Number of mission branches at the close of the year |
1,761 |
Number of full-time missions at the end of the year |
134 |
Church Membership, December 31, 1975
In the stakes |
3,126,469 |
In the missions |
445,733 |
Total membership |
3,572,202 |
Church Growth during 1975
Children blessed in stakes and missions |
79,723 |
Children of record baptized in stakes and missions |
50,263 |
Converts baptized in stakes and missions |
95,412 |
Social Statistics (Based on 1975 data from the stakes and missions)
Birthrate per thousand |
27.79 |
Number of persons married per thousand |
13.75 |
Death rate per thousand |
4.36 |
Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1975
Deacons |
140,832 |
Teachers |
106,934 |
Priests |
178,241 |
Total number holding Aaronic Priesthood |
426,007 |
Members holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, December 31, 1975
Elders |
308,863 |
Seventies |
25,734 |
High Priests |
113,189 |
Total number holding Melchizedek Priesthood |
447,786 |
Grand total, members holding Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood |
873,793 |
(An increase of 32,051 during the year 1975)
Church Organizations (Enrollment)
Relief Society |
954,957 |
Sunday School |
3,243,531 |
Aaronic Priesthood-age young men |
257,082 |
Young Women |
223,440 |
Primary Association |
484,261 |
Welfare Plan
Number of persons assisted during the year |
112,715 |
Number placed in remunerative employment |
20,078 |
Man-days of work donated to the welfare plan (estimated) |
330,000 |
Unit-days of equipment use donated |
10,045 |
Genealogical Society
Names cleared in 1975 for temple ordinances |
3,394,762 |
Genealogical records microfilmed in 37 countries during the year brought the total to 876,532 100-foot rolls of microfilm for use of the Church, which are the equivalent of over 4,219,504 printed volumes of 300 pages each.
Number of endowments performed during 1975 in the 16 operating temples
For the living |
47,142 |
For the dead |
3,027,956 |
Total number of endowments |
3,075,098 |
Church School System
Total 1975 cumulative enrollment in Church schools, including institutes and seminaries |
324,670 |
Those Who Have Passed Away
President Hugh B. Brown, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and former counselor in the First Presidency; Elder ElRay L. Christiansen, Assistant to the Twelve; Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First Council of the Seventy; Emma Marr Petersen, wife of Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Quorum of the Twelve; Jane “Jennie” Foote Taylor Richards, widow of Stayner Richards, former Assistant to the Twelve; Doyle L. Green, director/editor of Church magazines; David Smith, first president of the Idaho Falls Temple; Elbert Raine Curtis, former superintendent of the YMMIA; Earl C. Crockett, former acting president of BYU; Ivy Baker Priest, former United States Treasurer.