“Latter-day Saint Indian Named College President,” Ensign, Oct. 1973, 88
Latter-day Saint Indian Named College President
George Lee, counselor in the New Mexico–Arizona Mission presidency, has been named the president of College of Ganado on the Navajo Reservation in northeastern Arizona.
He is the first Indian to head the 400-student college, which was formerly a Presbyterian boarding school. President Lee, two other faculty members, and one student are the only Latter-day Saints at the school.
Prior to his appointment as president, Brother Lee was the assistant to the president. He is a candidate for a doctoral degree at Brigham Young University.
He is married to Kathleen Hettich, and they have two sons.
“Our college curriculum will emphasize the relevant needs of the Navajo community,” the new president said.
“There is a great need for training in business management so that the Indian people can operate their own businesses and manage the affairs of the reservation. There is also a vital need for more Indian teachers.”
In addition to meeting these needs, the college offers “occupational training” that will prepare Indians for jobs on the reservation and in hospitals and clinics.
George Lee