Share Your Story about Elevate Learning

If you have a story to share about Elevate Learning, we and others would love to hear it.
student reading scriptures

Do you have a story you’d like to share that relates to the Elevate Learning priority? If so, we’d love to hear it. You can share your story in any of the following ways:

S&I Worldwide Facebook page
S&I Priorities Yammer page

Ideas for Sharing

We believe that everyone has a story to share—perhaps the following questions can help you remember or frame yours:

  • Have you and your students worked especially hard to meet reading requirements?

  • What successes have you had as you’ve worked to accommodate students?

  • Has a student focused intently on obtaining seminary or institute credit?

  • What are the challenges that you have faced with the Elevate Learning priority? How did you overcome those challenges?