Elevate Learning

Principles and Desired Outcomes (2016)
Students in class

Establish expectations and provide opportunities that inspire students to have meaningful experiences with the word of God.


  • As teachers understand, believe, and emphasize the principles of Elevate Learning and the requirements for course credit, students will more likely engage in learning and experience deepened conversion.
  • Teachers can bring more of the power of God into their teaching by (1) obtaining His word, (2) having the Spirit, and (3) feeling genuine love and concern for each student.
  • Young adults will be more likely to enroll and participate in institute if the course provides spiritual experiences, helps them deepen their commitment to the Savior, gives guidance for their lives, and provides an opportunity to learn and share the gospel with other young adults.

Desired Outcomes

  • Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) personnel will continue to deepen their understanding of and commitment to the Elevate Learning efforts in seminary and institute.
  • S&I teachers and leaders will make and implement a plan to better emphasize the Elevate Learning principles and help every student complete each course with credit.
  • More youth and young adults will enroll in and attend seminary and institute courses, complete reading assignments and assessments or learning experiences, and receive credit for each course.
  • Young adults will encourage their friends to participate in institute by sharing how institute is blessing their lives. (This includes the use of social media.)
  • S&I teachers and leaders will make and implement plans to bring more of the power of God into their teaching by (1) improving their efforts to obtain the word of God, (2) inviting the Spirit more fully into their lives and their teaching, and (3) increasing their genuine love and concern for each student.