My dear brothers and sisters, I love you. I think about you and pray for you often. You are living in an age unlike any other. You are at the age where you are making crucial decisions—decisions that will affect the rest of your mortal and eternal life. Making these decisions may seem overwhelming or even frightening at times. But it is also exciting because we are living in a momentous time.
May I invite you to do something that will help you in a way few other things can? Attend institute! I have now watched my children, grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren attend institute. Attending institute has been life-changing for them.
Institute has helped them, and will help you, to deepen your conversion to Jesus Christ. Attending institute will help you to feel more of Heavenly Father’s great love for you. Institute will offer you inspiring instructors, faithful friends, and a feeling of belonging. It will help you to see why living the gospel leads to never-ending happiness. Attending institute will help you to live the gospel and to feel more joy—right now.
- If you want to know the truth about who you really are, attend institute.
- If you want to know the purpose of life, attend institute.
- If you want to stay on the covenant path, attend institute.
- If you want to learn how to let God prevail in your life, attend institute.
- If you want to be a peacemaker, attend institute.
I promise you these blessings and express my love for you, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.