Adapted Needs Programs

COVID-19—Potential Impact on S&I Adapted Needs Programs

We want to continue to provide a meaningful learning experience for all students during this time. We recognize that there are some unique challenges and concerns for our students with disabilities and their families that need to be considered. It is also important to consider the well-being of the missionaries and peer mentors that serve in these programs.   

Individual circumstances vary greatly for this group of students and their families. Many parents/caregivers are already overwhelmed with the complexities of caring for a person with a disability. This may be compounded if S&I class gatherings are suspended. Therefore, adaptations will best be made on the local level.

Region directors, in consultation with the adapted needs coordinator, should use the following guidelines when deciding how to best meet local and individual needs:

·      Individual circumstances: There are many individual circumstances among students, their families, and missionaries in S&I adapted needs programs. Individuals and families must decide what is best for themselves during this time. They should not be pressured to continue to attend or serve if they feel a need to avoid gathering at this time.

·      Remote delivery method: If classes need to be canceled, decisions relating to remote delivery methods should consider the needs of individuals and their families. Use the following guidelines when making decisions:

1.     Some students with disabilities will be able to fully participate in an online class. This option should be made available for all individuals with the ability and support to utilize this format.

2.     For students who cannot participate in an online class because of individual or family circumstances, adapted needs teachers will produce a 5 to 10-minute lesson of the course material for the day. These lessons will be emailed to the parents/caregivers.  

3.     If options 1 or 2 place excessive demands on families that already do so much, find the simplest solution that can reasonably count for seminary and institute credit. For example, students may watch a video about the scripture passages.

4.     Peer mentors should be enrolled in an online class that is taught by their teacher.

·      Credit: Individuals with disabilities will receive course credit for completing any delivery method listed above.

·      Safety: The safety of students and those that serve in adapted needs programs is of the upmost importance. If the number of missionaries or peer mentors reaches a point where safety is jeopardized, the region director should make all efforts to address these concerns. It may be necessary to temporarily suspend the class.