CSM: Sister Missionary

A Service Mission

When we serve Heavenly Father’s children, we help lead them to believe in God. “Ammon said unto him: Nay, but I will be thy servant. Therefore Ammon became a servant to king Lamoni. … Now when Ammon saw this his heart was swollen within him with joy, for, said he, I will show forth my power unto these my fellow-servants, or the power which is in me, in restoring these flocks unto the king, … that I may lead them to believe” (Alma 17:25, 29).

When we serve others, we demonstrate our love to Heavenly Father: “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).

Welcome to Service Missions

Service Missions Family Orientation | Elder W. Mark Bassett

The Service Missionary Purpose

Help others come unto Christ by serving with loving kindness as the Savior would. Minister in His name to the one through the power of the Holy Ghost and live as an example of faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, covenant keeping with God, and enduring to the end.

Key Objectives of a Service Mission

  • Provide an opportunity for all willing young women and young men to serve the Lord and increase in testimony of Him.
  • Help each service missionary prepare for a lifetime of service.
  • Provide needed and valuable service to Church and community organizations.

A young service missionary talks about how his mission is as important to God as other types of Latter-day Saint missions.
Service is the Key for Missionaries

What is a service missionary?

Like teaching missionaries, service missionaries serve for up to 18 months (young women ages 19–29) and up to 24 months (young men ages 18–25). They live at home and serve locally. They serve as close to full time as their circumstances allow. Each service missionary is provided a customized mission experience uniquely tailored to his or her talents, skills, and gifts. During their missions, it is common for service missionaries to serve in multiple assignments, including approved community and charitable organizations, Church operations, and stake-assigned service opportunities. Throughout their missions, service missionaries serve under the direction of a mission president, with the close support of service mission leaders. The stake president and bishop provide support in ecclesiastical matters such as worthiness and temple recommends.

Four young missionaries who were not able to complete proselytizing missions for reasons beyond their control share how they felt the Savior’s love by serving others in a service mission.
Service Missions - Serving Others As the Savior Would

Who can serve as a service missionary?

Worthy young men (ages 18 to 25) and young women (ages 19 to 29) whose circumstances are best suited for a service mission may be assigned as service missionaries.

Teaching missionaries who return home early due to accident, illness, or other health conditions and have a desire to continue their service may be reassigned to a service mission if recommended by priesthood leaders and approved by the Quorum of the Twelve. When their health conditions have been resolved, they may return to their original teaching assignment.

How are service missionaries called?

Service missionaries are called in the same manner as teaching missionaries. Young men and young women whose circumstances are best suited for a service mission may be assigned to be service missionaries. This assignment is made either during the missionary recommendation process or after an individual serves a portion of a teaching mission and returns home before the expected completion date. A service missionary is called by the Lord through His prophet to serve in an environment uniquely tailored to his or her talents, skills, and gifts.

An animated video explaining the service missionary program.
Service Missionary Program Overview