Caring for Those in Need through Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

A mother and her daughter in Kirbati (Oceania) drink water. They appear to be in a covered area outside. They are in their kitchen.
Improved access to water, sanitation, and hygiene are essential for human health and well-being. Jesus Christ taught us to care for the poor and the hungry. He said, “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink” (Matthew 25:35).

—Evelyn Mere, Country Director, WaterAid Nigeria

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works with many organizations and communities to implement sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene projects that benefit millions of people. Areas around the world take the lead in assessing needs in their local communities and implementing help where it is needed.
Clean Water Project
The Church is involved in projects such as building local capacity to manage new infrastructure, drilling wells, installing pumps, and building latrines. The Church believes that access to clean water is not only a physical need but also a spiritual blessing that can uplift and empower people to improve their lives.
Clean Water Project
Education for Communities
The Church is focused on educating local communities about sanitation, hygiene, and the proper maintenance of their facilities and water systems. The goal of these efforts is to help individuals become self-reliant and enable them to teach other community members best practices surrounding water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Who Is Impacted by This Effort?

Guatemala: Childhood
Children in communities with clean water systems have more time to play, attend school, and sleep.
Farmer milking and herding cattle in New Zealand
Clean water allows farmers to grow and wash food, stay hydrated, and keep livestock healthy. Nutritious food can be eaten or sold to generate income.
Four Corners: Families
People in communities with access to safe water tend to have improved health, increased income, and more time for work and family.

How Can I Get Involved?

Ensuring your community has access to clean water and implements best sanitation practices can start with you. Here are some ideas of things you can do to improve clean water and sanitation in your area.

  • Identify clean water and sanitation needs in your community.
  • Learn and educate others about best sanitation practices.
  • Find service projects on related to clean water in your area.

See What the Church Did in 2023

Learn more about how the Church helped improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene in the 2023 Caring Summary.
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in 2023