Engage Young Women in the Work of Salvation

Yours is a calling to nurture and prepare covenant women of God.

Your calling is not a list of things to do for young women but an opportunity to guide and nurture young women as they become the covenant women of God they are meant to be. The brief six years they are in the Young Women program are a time for them to gain confidence in their ability to:

  • Seek personal revelation and respond to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
  • Act on the doctrine they are learning and the covenant they made at baptism to follow God’s plan.
  • Minister to one another with Christlike love.
  • Stand as a witness of God “at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9) as they actively engage in gathering Israel and building the kingdom of God.

Every young woman in the Church should feel that she is valued and that she has something of worth to contribute to God's work—the work of salvation. With adult leaders and parents as guides and mentors, young women can take the lead. They can counsel, share, lead, plan, teach, conduct, minister, fellowship, serve, and discover the deep and lasting joy of discipleship.

Additional Resources

Think about each young woman in your ward. What potential do you see in her? How can you nurture her and give her opportunities to grow as a covenant daughter of God?