
We've seen a tremendous progress in the African nations.

An Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Elder D. Todd Christofferson, has concluded a ten-day ministry in countries in Southern Africa. I bless you that you can be a light to this entire nation. As part of his ministry in Southern Africa, Elder Christofferson and his wife, Kathy, visited with Latter-day Saints and missionaries in four different countries. He noted the dramatic growth of the Church in Africa. The Church has been expanding worldwide,

and it seems like there's no particular corner of the world now that it's not present and progressing. And that's no more true than Africa, for sure. The people are naturally spiritually inclined. They respond to things spiritual. They expect to have those feelings and to talk about Jesus Christ and to relate to their Heavenly Father. They run to it, not from it. And we find that when we can teach them something in addition to what they already have, they respond to it with great enthusiasm and great joy. In South Africa, in Mozambique, Elder Christofferson spent time with the youth

and young adults of the Church.

Keep it up! I’ve been very impressed with the young people and I was impressed as I had a chance to spend some time with them and hear questions from them how thoughtful their questions have been. They are focused. They are moving ahead. They have goals. They have dreams. It's exciting to see the enthusiasm, the vitality of the young generations. I also learned how important to let our light shine so others can see through us how what Jesus Christ can done for us and others can follow Jesus Christ too. People won't see it, but your faithfulness will bless the whole country of Mozambique. In Madagascar, he visited the temple site where the country's first house of the Lord will be built.

What a beautiful family. He also ministered to the Rito Vanoni family, who was some of the earliest members in Madagascar and used their home to hold church meetings. I'm honored to be in this chapel.

The Christofferson’s returned to Angola for the first time after he came to dedicate the country for the sharing of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ 14 years ago. I can't say I've been everywhere in Africa, but each time it's a spiritually rewarding experience. We teach Jesus Christ, they resound and respond to that. They are close to the Savior, and they bless all of us with that kind of feeling and the life they lead. They’re an example. And I pray that He will continue to bless you and all the people who live in this nation. While in Angola and Mozambique, he encouraged Latter-day Saints to build up their communities during local TV station interviews. We hope that the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be among the very best citizens of the country. I believe that the Lord smiles upon this people and this continent. They are anxious to know more and to be loyal to and to serve Jesus Christ. He concluded his ministry by visiting Tambo Memorial Hospital, where the Church of Jesus Christ has helped the hospital acquire incubators to help care for premature babies.

Beautiful children. Thank you. We felt as we visited the very tiny children and mothers that each life truly matters. Every one is sacred. Each one is a child of God. But there was a very deep feeling of how real that is. When you see the life hanging in the balance and the tender child

and the tender care given, it becomes more real, more evident. This is faith in action and the most beautiful kind of example of faith in action that I can imagine. Wth those very small babies,

it’s very difficult not to feel deep emotion. Elder Christofferson announced a donation that will allow the hospital doctors and staff to care for more of God's children. We admire you, and we're grateful to be able to contribute in some way. You are reminding us what it means to be a neighbor. When the Bible says love your neighbor, this is what we are seeing here today. These babies, the course of their lives, is going to change forever. I think miracles do happen. God answers prayers. With more and more blessings, we can actually bless more people in the world. Our prayers have been answered.

Elder Christofferson Witnesses the Growth of the Church in Southern Africa

Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Kathy, concluded a 10-day ministry to countries in southern Africa on Monday, May 27, 2024.

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