Hello, dear brothers and sisters. I am Elder Michael John Teh,
and we welcome you from Salt Lake City, Utah, to this area devotional
for the Asia, Asia North, the Pacific, and the Philippines Areas.
We are so grateful to be with you.
Thank you for participating in this special devotional from wherever you are.
We are pleased to be gathered under the leadership and direction of
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
We are also grateful that Sister Harriet Uchtdorf is here with us.
All of the music today was prerecorded by institute students.
We will begin with the hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour,” performed by young adults in Mongolia.
After the musical number, Louisa Ho from Singapore will offer the opening prayer.
Our dear Heavenly Father, we’re so grateful that we have this opportunity to be here to listen to Elder and Sister Uchtdorf speak to us today. Please bless us with the Spirit as we listen to their messages that we may be able to obtain our own personal revelation as we listen to the messages and that we may be able to apply it in our daily lives. We’re so grateful for all the many blessings that Thou hast blessed us with every single day.
And please bless us with good health and strength and safety wherever we may be in the world. And we say all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thank you for the beautiful music and the wonderful prayer.
We are so pleased that Elder and Sister Uchtdorf will be both speaking to us today.
Sister Teh and I have had many opportunities to be around Elder and Sister Uchtdorf.
We have been with them on casual settings when they visited their family, who lived in our former ward in Utah.
We have also served with them on official assignments.
One of the most memorable for us was our assignment to assist them during the dedication of the Trujillo Peru Temple.
As we worked and served with them for several days, we were inspired by their zest for life.
They were happy and seemed to always have wonderful smiles on their faces and a sparkle in their eyes.
Everyone in their company felt the joy that radiated from them.
It gave us a sense of what it might have felt like when the disciples of old
walked with the Savior.
And because I am constantly striving to be a better husband, I paid special attention to the way Elder Uchtdorf lovingly and tenderly treated Sister Uchtdorf.
Until now, I still remember those lessons.
It was also easy for Sister Teh and I to see that Sister Uchtdorf is an elegant
and elect lady.
They truly are equally yoked together in the work of the Lord.
Finally, I'm especially delighted to claim that the beginnings of mine and Sister Teh's love story is similar to Elder and Sister Uchtdorf's.
Elder Uchtdorf fondly tells the story of how young elders helped to bring the lovely Harriet Reich and her mother into the Church.
Similarly, as a young man, I was delighted to see young elders bring the beautiful Grace Weedon and her family into our ward.
Our program tonight will begin with a video that highlights your wonderful areas and will feature pictures you have sent us in the last few weeks.
After the video, we will be pleased to have Sister Uchtdorf speak to us.
She will be followed by Elder Uchtdorf.
The closing prayer will then be offered by Surace Sangcham from Udon, Thailand.
Dear friends, you are here, you are one of seven point nine billion people. Your countries have half the world’s population.
A small fraction are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Your numbers may be small.
But your role in the history of the world is not.
There's a reason why you were born at this time in your part of the world.
You're here with a purpose.
You come from diverse locations.
You speak of a variety of languages, your culture and experiences
are unique, but your divine purpose is the same.
You’re here to experience life on this earth and return to your heavenly parents.
You belong to the same fold and follow the same Shepherd.
Your faith unites you.
Trust the Lord. He will guide you. The Lord sees you. He knows you. He hears you. He loves you.
Here you are, my friends, from Mongolia to Australia.
From India to Tahiti, from Japan to New Zealand, from Hong Kong to the Philippines, and from many other beautiful places, you are one among many.
There's no number large enough to measure your worth.
But there's a number that can determine your destiny.
That number is one.
You are all one in Jesus Christ.
Wow, what a beautiful video.
You represent a huge and beautiful part of the world.
I am so happy to be with you.
You are important to the Lord and to the world community.
With great excitement I am looking forward to the day when meeting with you in person will be possible again.
I am also very grateful for the blessings of technology which make
this joyful occasion possible today.
Together we celebrate our membership in the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is a great pleasure and an honor to be counted among you as Latter-day Saints.
Regardless of where we live, we can all be one in Christ as we seek to follow Him.
Jesus Christ is at the center of His gospel and Church.
I do hope that there are a large number of young men and young women in this meeting today.
In my mind’s eye, I can see your beautiful smiles and feel your excitement
for being part of this great work!
I joined the church as a teenager.
At the time we lived in a small branch in Germany.
I attended an all-girls school and all my friends belonged to either the Lutheran
or the Catholic church.
So, I wondered, “Should I tell them that I became member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or should I just avoid the topic and be quiet?”
I decided to stand up for what I believed.
First, my friends had no idea what a Mormon was.
So, I had a rather natural opportunity to explain what the real name of the church was, and why I decided to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
It was not always easy, and sometimes I had testing experiences.
But by sharing my beliefs, my self-worth increased, and even the heartfelt bonds
with my good friends increased.
They often told me that they admired my courage to stand up for my faith.
This in return made it even easier for me to share more details about what
the church stands for, and how to live my faith.
It was like a gift that kept giving, over and over again.
I want you young people to stand up for what you believe.
Don’t be afraid of peer pressure or negative comments.
They are part of normal life.
Be yourself, and I promise you, angels will be on your side.
Some of these angels may even be your Catholic, Protestant, Buddist,
Hindu, Muslim, or Jewish friends.
I often hear young people say, “Today there are so many distractions, so many
different things in our lives.
How can I keep my focus on higher and holier things?” My dear young friends, every generation has to make important choices amid large and small distractions and challenges.
Be not afraid, you are not alone.
As a practical tip, make the standards of For The Strength of Youth your guide.
Sometimes, we think the For The Strength of Youth principles and values are only for children or youth.
As a matter of fact, most of these principles and tips apply to all ages
or genders, and they are independent from language, culture, or personal
circumstances in life.
They will always help you to apply more successfully Christlike values
and attributes.
My dear friends, please develop your own testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church
by practicing these important standards.
Be courageous; tell your friends and all the world, “I believe!
Not just because my parents, teachers, or church leaders want me to.
No, because I can feel the truth in my heart.
I study it.
I pray about it.
And I apply its values and standards.” Share with others why you love to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Find out for yourself why living gospel values and principles, will make you
a better person.
Promise to yourself and to Heavenly Father, to develop your own testimony of
the gospel and church of Jesus Christ.
I like what Nephi said: “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.” Remember, Christ is at the center of His work, of His Church, and He is the center of the ordinances
and covenants.
He is the center of it all.
My dear young friends, another practical tip, make sacrament meeting an important part of your life.
Ponder in your mind and heart what the sacrament means to you.
In the sacrament prayer we are asked to always remember Jesus Christ and keep His commandments.
In return God promises that you will always have his Spirit to be with you.
What a wonderful promise and blessing.
Please, don’t miss out on renewing your covenants regularly.
We all have hard times, and we all have good times.
Please support each other during good and tough times.
This will keep you united in Jesus Christ, as friends and as families, as ward families and as stake families.
Be kind to each other.
Forgive and love each other.
This Christlike behavior will strengthen you and the church.
It will build your faith – I have a testimony of that.
Have a plan.
Make the plan of happiness your plan.
It was designed by your loving Heavenly Father.
As a child, go to Primary, get baptized.
As you grow older, help other children to have those experiences and blessings.
Be an example, be a mentor.
Be an active part of the Young Women and Young Men organization, embrace
FSY, seminary, and as you grow into adulthood help children and youth to have
positive church and gospel experiences.
Be a light to them, be a tutor and friend to the younger generation.
This can be a beautiful part of your lives, to help other young people to love the Lord and His work.
Through this effort you are helping to create a brighter future for these
children and youth; you are strengthening the Church, and you are making the world
a better place!!
You are creators of the future!!!
One more practical tip, prepare to go to the temple!
Help your ancestors to receive baptism; it is a gift of love to them.
Become worthy to receive your own endowment.
Prepare to serve God and His children in all the world by going on a mission.
Missionaries have blessed my life.
If you want to know more about my missionary story, google “Fourth Floor, Last Door.” Think, ponder, and pray about the big picture of
your life – don’t worry too much about all the little details which can be so distracting.
Embrace the practical and glorious vision of the plan of salvation.
I promise you, embracing the plan of happiness will make your day-to-day decisions so much easier.
I promise, if you do these things, you will feel Heavenly Father’s
blessings and presence in your daily life.
My dear young friends, I love you.
A great future is awaiting you!
I have a very personal testimony of the restored gospel and Church of Jesus Christ.
I am grateful for the blessings of the priesthood, and for living prophets and apostles.
I love my husband, he is the love of my life.
And he loves me, and he is a good and faithful servant of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I leave you my testimony in heartfelt gratitude for who you are, for the joy you bring into the lives of others, and for your faith and service in the work of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thank you for this beautiful music.
You’re just amazing.
And you can see how blessed I am because of my wonderful wife, Harriet, I dearly love her. Thank you Elder Teh for your very kind remarks. Harriet and I always enjoyed traveling with you and your wife and having those wonderful spiritual and fun experiences.
My dear Brothers and Sisters, my dear friends! My heart pounds when I think of you and of the many diverse places you are coming from. Isn’t this blue planet a beautiful place and a marvelous work and a wonder?
I like that video! It really shows you and represents you. In my professional life as an airline captain, I enjoyed looking at this amazing planet from a high altitude
and often wondered, we may appear small and insignificant at times, but isn’t it amazing, that the creator of the Universe, God our Heavenly Father, knows each of us personally, is interested in each one of us, and cares about our well-being and progress.
Heavenly Father is always there for us.
Isn’t that amazing and wonderful?
Let me share with you a story about a young girl, three-year-old Emma.
It was a big day for her.
She would say her first public prayer in front of her extended family.
Once everyone had gathered, her father proudly said, “Emma, will now offer
a blessing on the food.” Emma closed her eyes, and said the first two words, “Heavenly Father…” and then everything went blank.
Try as she might, she could not remember what else to say. Finally, she just said, “Heavenly Father, I need help!”
Three-year-old Emma received help.
Not only from her family, but also from her Heavenly Father.
Sometimes, the most profound prayers we will ever offer start out exactly
as Emma’s did: “Heavenly Father… I need help.” This is certainly true for me.
Let me ask you three connected questions: Why do we need God’s help?
Does God still help His children?
How can we tap into the source of God’s divine power?
First: Why do we need God’s help?
Everyone has felt lost or helpless. We experience loss, fear, loneliness, and pain.
We seek answers to important questions.
We ponder the meaning of our existence and wrestle with how to live a life of significance and value.
For these things, we need God’s help.
There are also times when we feel the burdens upon us are too great to carry alone.
Times when we face obstacles that seem so great that we cannot see a way to overcome them.
For these things, we need God’s help.
Have you ever felt to be at one of these crossroads?
Do you seek truth and knowledge? Healing? Relief? Wisdom? Peace? Forgiveness?
Do you feel that you need divine help?
Today I offer you a message of assurance and hope.
God lives!
He is real!
He is our Father!
He is there!
He answers the prayers of His children.
God answers yours and mine.
“Seek me diligently and ye shall find me;” He has promised.
“Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
Heavenly Father has sent His Son, our Savior and Redeemer, to prepare the way for us, He has the answers, He is available.
Jesus Christ is at the center.
He will help.
The wounds of your life, Christ will heal.
The questions you have, He will answer.
Your loneliness, Christ will lift.
He will take your efforts—though they be small and feeble—and make them mighty.
In the dark times of your life he gives peace.
He grants hope.
He lightens your burdens and opens doors that lead to your glorious destiny
and divine design.
He refines, forgives, and redeems.
Now, second: Does God still help His children?
The short answer is a resounding: Yes!
How do I know?
I have seen it! Time and time again.
In my own life and in the lives of countless others.
I have seen it so many times that I know without question: God helps those who draw near to Him in faith and pure intent.
The Lord Himself said, “examine me, prove me; try my reins and my heart.
My dear friends, God will help you.
The moment you allow yourself to believe that simple answer, you begin throwing
open the windows of heaven and invite God’s blessings.
Believe, and you will know.
This may seem simplistic.
But it is true.
God has told us with faith, all is possible.
Without faith, we walk alone.
You say, “I want to believe, but I don’t have faith.” Then have hope.
Hope that God knows you.
That He loves you.
That He will guide and inspire you.
My dear friends, hope and draw near to God by keeping His commandments, embracing His path.
You will learn that Heavenly Father “Will guide you along the best pathway
for your life, [He] will advise you and watch over you.” God’s love for His children is deeper and more profound than we can imagine.
How much does He love us?
His self-declared mission statement—His reason and purpose for being, His work
and His glory —centers on making it possible for us to live with Him throughout the eternities and to become heirs of His grandeur and glory.
Just think of it, the most powerful and capable being in the universe has
as His greatest purpose to mentor His children and provide a way for them to one day live with Him in glory throughout eternity.
You might think, “That’s all fine and good.
Maybe God does direct some people. But not me.
I’m not good enough. Not important enough. I’m nobody.” Jesus, in perhaps His best-known sermon, spoke about this very thing.
Jesus confirmed that God was mindful of: those who mourn, those who are poor in spirit, the meek, the peacemakers, the persecuted?
Do any of these describe you?
Then, you know how blessed and loved you are!
Think of the people Jesus ministered to during His mortal life.
How often did He seek out the disheartened—the sick of heart, mind, and spirit—and heal and bless them?
He loved the “least of these” whether they were children, sinners, or abandoned.
He befriended the unpopular, He defended the persecuted, He made the sick whole
and gave the downhearted a reason to look up and live.
His teachings centered on assuring ordinary people
that God was among them, would answer their prayers, place them on His shoulders, and carry them home.
I am overwhelmed by the faith and humility of the members of the Church.
You are wonderful, you are amazing.
My heart reaches out to you!
We hear of your sacrifice. Of your faithfulness. Of your goodness.
I bear witness that God is among you.
He knows you.
He loves you.
And He will guide you.
Again, the question, does God still help His children? Yes.
And He will help you.
The blessings of heaven are not dependent upon your place in the world.
God doesn’t look at your height, weight, health, or wealth.
He doesn’t care one iota about where you live, whether your clothes are the latest fashion, or the number of Instagram followers you have.
None of that matters to God.
In fact, the Lord teaches us an important lesson when He says to Samuel, “Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; … for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” How the world sees you means nothing to God.
God looks on your heart, and He is aware of our heart’s desires.
It is His mission to mentor and encourage you in such a way that you can live with Him in celestial glory worlds without end.
God is on your side.
He wants you to succeed.
We often speak of how God loves His children, but what I am saying is far more specific, I hope you will embrace and cherish this.
“God loves YOU.” When I repeat this sentence replace the word
“you,” with your own name.
“God loves YOU.” Yes, YOU!
He knows you in your joyful and happy moments; He knows you when you are afraid, alone, worried, and questioning.
He hears your fervent prayers and knows of your faith, courage, and goodness.
He knows your hopes, questions, and desires.
He has rejoiced with you for the many times you have resisted evil.
He has been pleased with your many efforts to do good.
He loves you.
He wants you to return to Him.
And He has and will continue to uphold and refine you.
He will guide your steps.
He will fill your soul with light.
Does God still help His children?
The answer is, yes!
Third: How can you receive God’s help?
We have talked about why we need God’s help.
We have addressed the question of whether our Heavenly Father helps His children today.
Before we go any further, there is an important principle we need to understand.
Our Heavenly Father values our ability to make our own choices so highly that He will not force His will upon us.
He will not compel us to obey.
He wants us to choose our destination and the course how to reach it.
This principle of moral agency was at the center of the Great War in Heaven.
Satan’s solution to control God’s children was simple.
He would force all in such a way that not one soul would be lost.
But this method violated our moral agency—it took away our ability
and privilege to choose for ourselves.
This principle was so important to our Heavenly Father that, rather than compromise, He allowed 1/3 of His own children to rebel and actively oppose Him.
Heavenly Father grants His children the freedom to choose—even when that might cause them to reject Him. It’s sad.
But He knows they may make choices that will harm them here on this earth and in eternity.
But He allows it because the principle to choose the direction of our own lives is so foundational to the Plan of Salvation.
When we make choices that violate the counsel of God, we distance ourselves from the refining influence of the Holy Ghost.
Those who harden their hearts to God close themselves off to the light of heaven.
They walk by the light of their own lamps.
They put their trust in the arm of the flesh.
They close the windows of heaven.
So, what can we do to receive God’s help?
First: Become firmly anchored in the rock of Jesus Christ.
Stand tall as His disciple of Christ, love God.
Show this love by keeping His commandments.
Love your neighbor.
Show this love by serving and working with your fellow members of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Invite all to come and see what His church and gospel are all about.
Invite them to come and help to make this world a better place.
Love and strengthen one another.
Invite them to come and belong to this great work with living apostles and prophets and lead by Jesus Christ.
Emulate His example.
Walk in His way.
Take His name upon you.
My dear friends, work together, serve together, study together, pray together, attend church together.
You may ask, “what about the pandemic and the travel or meeting restrictions?”
Be creative, use technology, or whatever means are available.
Do not focus on the things you cannot do--- focus creatively on the things you
can do!
Embrace gospel teaching and gospel learning.
Make gospel values part of your daily lives.
Use Seminary and Institute as a content guide and as a benchmark for your plans and actions in life.
It is not your attendance roster that is important, it is your learning
and applying of gospel teachings in your daily life.
Aim to become and stay firmly anchored in the rock of Jesus Christ!
Second: Know that you are needed.
Don’t feel overwhelmed because you are only one and the number of your fellow members may be small.
Remember, Joseph Smith was only one.
The early restoration church began with as a small number of courageous Saints.
Be united in this great work.
Support each other. Love, share and invite those around you. Invite them to come and see, come and help, and come and belong!
Follow this pattern,
and you will grow in spiritual strength, in emotional health, and you will grow in numbers.
As we have seen, your nations have about half of the world’s population within their boundaries.
You are the salt of the earth.
The ancient Christians were only a very small part of the known world at the time.
You may be small in numbers too, but you are powerful in spirit as a dedicated group of Latter-day Saints to make this world a better place.
Miracles will happen, you have a great and promising future before you.
Third: Trust that God will guide you.
Open your heart to the whisperings of the Spirit.
Seek to refine your heart and mind as you walk in the path of discipleship, honoring your sacred covenants.
Connect with heaven through the power of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is the source of personal testimony and revelation.
He will guide you in your decisions and protect you from physical
and spiritual danger.
“The Holy Ghost, which is the Comforter, …..shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”, said the Lord.
The promises of God are certain and clear.
He has assured you, “I will never leave you and I will never abandon you.” Your courageous and intentional walk as a disciple of Jesus Christ will bring great things into your own personal life and bless your families,
communities, and people.
My dear young friends, be glad and rejoice, you are part of a great
and wonderful work.
You are living in a time when the restoration of all things is continuously moving forward.
I bless you with the assurance that as you keep the commandments of God… you will be blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if you hold out faithful to the end you will be received into heaven, that thereby you may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.
O remember, my dear friends, that these things are true; for the Lord God hath
spoken it.
My beloved brothers and sisters, my dear friends, I rejoice in your faithfulness.
I give thanks to God for your strength and energy.
May you be firmly anchored in the Rock of Jesus Christ.
Know that you are needed.
Believe that God will guide you.
As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless you with trust in God, with love for Him, and a firm hope of His blessings, as you pray, “Heavenly Father, I need help!” God will hear you, and He will bless you.
For He is ever ready to extend His help to you, His child.
Of this I testify in the name of our Savior and Redeemer, in the name of our Master, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful for this opportunity for us to be here at this devotional. And Father, we are grateful for the Spirit that was felt, and
we ask Thee, Father, for
the strength and courage for us to stand up for our beliefs and
also the strength and the courage to reach out to Thee and ask for help. And Father, we are grateful
for the example of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, and His teachings. And
we ask Thee, Father, to please help us along our covenant path that we
feel Thy love and comfort in our life. And
Father, we love Thee.
And we say these things in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen.