
This week in your Bible study, you may have learned about putting on the armor of God.

Now, when soldiers go into battle, they put on armor. They put on a helmet, they put boots on their feet, they have a shield that protects them from arrows, and they have a sword that helps to ward off enemies.

And in Ephesians it talks about putting on the armor of God. And the way that we do that is we are obedient to our Savior's commandments.

We read our scriptures, we serve other people, and do the things that our Heavenly Father,

the things that we know He wants us to do. And when we do those things, it protects us, just like it protects this soldier right here. I think this is going to be a lot of fun to draw. Let's get going.

All right, so let’s start drawing this soldier. To begin,

find a place over here on the left side of your page, and I want to draw a oval for the shield.

So I'm just going to start here from the top.

You draw a nice big oval for the soldier to hide behind.

And now go a little bit down from the shield, and we’re going to start drawing his body out here. So you can see how his body comes out from behind the shield. And I'm just going to do a square. And if it helps you, you can put little dots to where you want your lines to go to. So if you can imagine your rectangle, you can use your finger or hold your pen or your marker or your crayon above it and put little dots. So I know I want a line to go from here to here, and then I want one down here as well. So maybe I put a dot here and a dot here. And you can see how this line we’re not going to draw it because it goes behind the shield. And then I can just connect my dots

to make the soldier’s body.

There we go.

All right. And now I’m going to do his,

down through his waist all the way to his legs. So make the legs as long as you think his legs should be.

And then I'm not going to go all the way down. I’m going to go a little ways down here on this leg right here and I’m going to draw a line over, and I want to go a little bit past his body because I want to make his other leg come up and stand in kind of an epic hero pose.

So I'm going to start here from the middle and just go across and go a little bit past where I would go right here.

And then I can connect these two right here. So you can see we have a few different shapes here now.

And now I can finish this leg.

I can go a little ways over, and we're just going to make his leg thicker.

We'll go all the way down like that.

And if we want to finish his foot,

we can go out just a little bit to make toes, and then go back across and maybe

finish making that, so we can see we have a nice little foot right here.

Now for this other foot, I want to put this other foot up on a rock.

So I want to have it up a little bit higher than his other foot. So maybe you could go put like a rock or a stone right here underneath where his other foot will be.

So I’m just going to put, you can make it whatever shape you like, but maybe not too high so that his foot can rest on it.

And I'm going to draw this foot just like the other foot, but I’m going to make it a little bit shorter.

And I’m just going to go right here from the knee and just go straight down.

And then I can put his foot out like that.

And then I can take this other line and go straight down just like that.

Now we can put a helmet on our soldier or his head. And to do this, I'm just going to make a big rainbow shape. I want to make a big round helmet. If you want to try and do a different type of helmet,

that's just fine because this is your art and you can make it look the way that you would like to make it look.

And then I want to have his sword raised up in the air. So one thing that helps me is sometimes to draw the hand first so I know where the arm needs to go to. So I'm going to pick a place up here and then you can put your marker and you can imagine, well, that’s where the sword is going to be, maybe this pen is your sword. And decide where you want his hand to be holding it at.

So I'm going to draw a tilted rectangle right here in the air,

and that's where his hand is going to be.

And now I can draw some lines going from my character to that hand

for his arms. So now you can see how he has it raised up.

And then you can draw whatever kind of sword you want on here. Maybe you have a type of sword you like to draw or you can draw one like mine.

I'm going to put a circle right here on one end of it to be the hilt of the sword. And then I'm going to put a rectangle on top of his hand just like that.

And then swords often come to a point at the end, if you want to figure out where that’s going to be, you can imaginary draw a line up here and put a little dot there so you know where it should stop at.

And you can draw a curved line or a straight line.

Whatever kind of sword you would like to do and then do another one back.

Now we can put a line in it right there. All right. So this is our basic soldier.

Now we can go ahead and start adding some cool, fun details.

And really make him look cool. So maybe we want to put some fingers in here if we want, just by adding a couple lines. And we can put some boots on him.

That kind of come up a ways.

So you can see how that makes those look like boots. And I want to give this guy a belt, too. So I'm going to draw a line right across his midsection right there.

And I think I want to give this guy kind of like a sash too, something that he’s wrapped around himself.

So I’m going to draw a second line up here,

and then draw some curved lines down like this.

And to make it look like fabric, sometimes I like to just put some lines in it.

That just kind of right here, I just made it so it follows the same direction as the lines that I already have. And if you want to,

you can even have the sash coming out behind the shield down here.

I do sometimes feel like when you have a hero or something like that, sometimes something like flowing in the wind makes him look even more heroic. So I’m just going to do that.

All right. So let's add maybe for this part of his clothes, maybe make this look like fabric, too, by putting some a bunch of lines in it.

And then a lot of times soldiers might have something that's called chain mail, where they have, you know, like this gray metal that's linked together to protect their arms and their legs.

Because all of these things are about protecting the soldier. Just like our we learned in the Scriptures that we want to put on the armor of God to protect ourselves. And then on this helmet, I'm going to draw a T on the helmet.

And so you could do two lines up.

And then go across, I’m going to make it a thick T.

So you can see like that, it looks a little funny. But I’m just going to color this all in black so you don’t see these lines here.

So you can see he's safely protected in that helmet of salvation right there.

And then now you can put whatever kind of things that you want on this soldier. You can put zigzags or you can even put symbols on here. I thought it might be fun to, like, put some symbols that represent some of the things about the armor of God

on him. So I want to draw a picture inside of my shield.

Maybe if you want to, you could put a symbol that reminds you of faith inside of his shield.

So I'm going to draw another oval and I'm going to follow closely

the one that I already have in here.

But you can do whatever you like in yours.

And I’m going to draw some ground here. I’m going to go further than halfway down, I'm going to go a little bit further.

And this represents the ground down here. And then I want to draw another line up here,

and I want to turn this into a tree.

And again, you could draw whatever kind of tree you like in here

or draw something else entirely. You could put a sun up here.

I’m going to draw this tree, and the reason I want to draw this tree here is because there’s a scripture I like in the Book of Mormon in Alma 32 that talks about a seed of faith.

Which is a fun story that you could read.

So I'm going to put a little seed down here, but it talks about how we can grow a seed of faith.

And then on the belt here. I’m going to put a sun on here. So I'm going to do a circle and then just have some sun rays coming out of it.

And to me, this represents true, this represents truth and light because we get light from the sun.

So you can see we have a couple different symbols here.

One of the things that I did is on his breastplate of righteousness I thought it'd be fun to put like a river on here because there is a time in the Scriptures when Lehi is talking to his son Laman, and he talks about how he's like a river of righteousness. Because if you think about rivers, they don't ever really change their course. They stick into the place where they're supposed to be, and so they follow the Savior and they’re righteous. So I thought that would be fun to put in there. But you can do whatever you like.

You can decorate this how you would how you would like to do it.

And then down here on the boots,

I put I want to put these olive branches because they represent peace.

And then maybe up here on the sword,

I’m just going to do, it’s kind of like a triangle with a flat top maybe it looks kind of like a speaker,

but this is the sort of spirit or the word of God. So it's kind of like a voice shouting out.

And so you can do whatever symbols you like. You don't have to use symbols.

We have the helmet of salvation here, and I didn't put any symbols on here, but I think this looks good. And I think it shows us, you know,

how important it is to put on the armor of God. Because when we put on the armor of God, it protects us.

So let's get to coloring this. I can't wait.

So on this breastplate of righteousness, I wanted to put this river, this river of righteousness.

Flowing down into this lake here or this sea or

because it looks kind of like a river to me. And I'll get this part over here.

And again, you can do whatever colors you like or decorate this soldier however you would like.

And maybe we could use the color red for his helmet,

because a lot of times the color red is used for salvationand for the Atonement of our Savior.

So this might be a fun color to use for his head.

Or you could do a gold helmet.

And then for his belt here, I’m going to color this in yellow

so we can see this light of truth.

And here we have our shield.

Maybe this warrior has painted this shield to remind him to have faith.

We will get this outside part here.

But while I'm coloring, I think this is a fun time when we can think about all the things that we can do to put on this armor. And we could ask ourselves what things can we do? And some of the things that we can do is we can keep our covenant, and we can read the scriptures,

and we can be obedient and follow our Savior.

These are all ways that we put on this armor, just like this soldier has armor on.

And the reason that he has it on is to protect himself.

Just like the covenants and promises that we make, they also protect us.

Maybe we could do some red down here to match his helmet.

We could do some golden boots here,

maybe get his breast plate all golden colored,

Maybe a gold sword here.

Maybe I’ll give him a blue hand, maybe he’s got a blue glove on or something.

And he's got his sword up here.

And you could add other stuff to this picture if you want.

You could add grass or clouds if you like doing things like that. I think I can put some grass down here just for fun.

Sometimes you can make grass by making a lot of straight lines.

And that's my finished picture. I'm excited to see how yours turned out.

So here's my finished picture of putting on the armor of God.

Now I'm excited to show you some pictures of some other kids have made.

And you can see every single one of these pictures is very different.

No two of these pictures look alike. And I think that's great. And right here you can see, you have all this beautiful grass down here, beautiful blue colors up here in the shield. I like that this one has a big heart on this shield of faith. You got to have a lot of heart to have faith, so I think that’s really great. And right here, you can see all these beautiful purple colors.

And I like this because purple is my favorite color.

And right here you can see this soldier is saying something right here, and you can also see this arrow that’s coming in. And so he’s got this shield, and imagine if he didn’t have that shield, he wouldn't be able to protect himself from this arrow.

And just like these soldiers that they've put on this armor to protect themselves, we choose to put on the armor of God ourselves. And we can do this by keeping our covenants with Him and doing the things that our Heavenly Father has asked us to do, like studying the scriptures and serving others and praying and being obedient. And when we do these things, then we are protected from evil. Thanks again for drawing with me today, guys. We'll see you later. Bye.

Come Create with Me—Armor of God

The armor of God can protect us! In this Come Create with Me episode, you’ll learn how to draw this important image from Ephesians 6 in the New Testament.

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