
Why is it important for us to know that we have a prophet on the earth?

Well, if we didn't think that we had a prophet it would be hard. If we didn't really listen to our prophet, then we wouldn't be able to live the gospel as well as we can when we listen to him. That's great counsel, Pearl. Beautiful. Anyone else? Do you have any other thoughts? Why is it important? It's important that we have a prophet because if we didn't have a prophet, then we wouldn't know what to do, what not to do, and what we could do to do honor. That is true. That is so true. So are you telling us that it's important to follow the prophet? Yes. Why? It's important to follow the prophet because if we didn't follow the prophet, we could start to stray away from the Church and not do as many things like read the scriptures every day. And if we stopped reading the scriptures, we would stop really thinking about the Church and any other time about the Church. And it would just become kind of annoying to go to the Church, and you might even eventually stop. Hmm. That wouldn't be good, would it? Any other thoughts? Why do you follow the prophet? Why is that important? Yes, Nathan. So, it's important because you can follow him. And if you follow him, you can live in the celestial kingdom. And you will be happy with your families. And you'll be super happy, and you can live forever. President Nelson, would you ever lead anyone astray? Oh, no. That's not what prophets do, is it? Some of them have said, if the President of the Church should ever lead people astray, God would take him away. So I'd like to stay here. And I won't lead you astray. Do you know what the word prophet means? He speaks for God. And so, God won't lead you astray. And the prophet will not lead you astray because God loves you. And I can tell you that the prophet loves you and the children like you all over the world. You're just beautiful. Thank you so much for your goodness.

Follow Prophets—They Speak for God

Around a table in the Smith family log home in Palmyra, New York, President Russell M. Nelson and Joy D. Jones, General Primary President, ask a panel of children why it’s important to have a prophet.

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