
Do you ever wonder how we know about God? Does He speak to us? Mormons, more properly referred to as Latter-day Saints, believe as other Christians do that God does speak to His children through revelation. The word revelation is translated from Greek meaning "to make known." God makes Himself known through revelation or communication to us, His children. He does this because He loves us and wants us to know about Him and His plan for each of us. So just how does God communicate with us? Does He only speak to a few people like prophets? Or can He also speak to you and me? And what is the difference between prophetic revelation and personal revelation? First, let's talk about prophets, you know, like Moses, Noah, and others found in the Bible. Prophets are God's spokesmen. They communicate God's will to all of His children. For example, in the Bible, we learn about the children of Israel and their dramatic escape from Pharaoh through the Red Sea led by Moses, a prophet called of God. After their escape, Moses continued to receive instruction and guidance from God for the children of Israel. God revealed to Moses His will and showed him how they through revelation could know more about Him and grow closer to Him. Through each of the ancient prophets, God's will and direction was made known on a variety of topics relevant to their lives and situations. Things that were important to each prophet and the people for that time were revealed by God for their benefit--commandments to live by, instructions regarding how to treat others, and also many important truths detailing the life and mission of Jesus Christ. In revealing His will to His prophets, God uses many means to communicate. Moses heard God's voice through a burning bush. The prophet Daniel had a dream. God communicates His will to prophets through inspirations to the heart and mind, through visitations of angels, and, on rare occasions, even through personal appearances. The guidance, inspiration, and direction given to Adam, Moses, Isaiah, and other prophets were recorded, collected, and preserved in a book of scripture known today as the Holy Bible. God also revealed Himself to other prophets not found in the Bible who were faithful and followers of God. The writings of prophets who lived in the Americas are also considered scripture and are found today in the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. This heavenly communication between God and His children through His spokesmen can sometimes be referred to as prophetic revelation. Even today, God continues to speak to His children through His prophet, the leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The prophet of the Church shares God's will on topics or needs similar to those addressed by ancient prophets but have a special relevance and timeliness in our day. The sanctity of marriage and purpose of families, the nature of heaven, how to take care of our bodies, or how to prepare for adversity--these modern prophetic revelations are recorded and distributed around the world in various media and languages available to all of God's children. But God doesn't only speak to prophets. Because He knows and cares for all His children, there are times when He speaks personally individually to each of us to guide, encourage, and correct our paths. From the Bible, we learn how God can speak to each of us. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you." The Holy Ghost is a member of what Latter-day Saints refer to as the Godhead. He does not have a body of flesh and bone like God the Father and Jesus Christ. He is a being or personage of spirit and is able to communicate God's will to all of God's children. Because each of us is different and unique, God communicates in ways that are unique and special to us. Latter-day Saints call that personal revelation. It comes from God through the Holy Spirit and can be received in many different ways. Sometimes, revelation comes as an impression to warn or prepare. Sometimes, it comes as a warmth in the heart for confirmation or as an idea in the mind to guide our steps. Through the Holy Ghost, God offers promptings of instruction and whispers of encouragement. There are many ways that God is able to communicate His will to His children. We can even receive revelation and confirmation about things we learn in the scriptures or from modern prophets who speak to us. Just as prophets bring an understanding of God's will to humankind through prophetic revelation, the Holy Spirit can help you in your life as you seek God through prayer and receive continuing personal revelation. In the Bible, we learn how to find answers to our questions. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, ... and it shall be given him." As you seek God, He will reveal Himself to you, whether through the Holy Spirit or through miracles, blessings, or through spiritual gifts of others. He will communicate His will for you to bring you comfort and guidance in your journey. Why does God do this? Why does He still speak with prophets? And why does He speak to you and me? Because He is our Father in Heaven and wants to reveal Himself to us so we can become like Him and return to live with Him. Now you know a little bit more about revelation and why and how God speaks to His children.

What is Revelation? | Now You Know

Just as God revealed His will to ancient prophets, He reveals His will today to modern prophets. He also inspires those who seek Him with personal revelation to know His plan for them.

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