

(SINGING) It was 1955, downtown Montgomery. Her tired feet found the back of the bus. And she was told to leave, But by staying in her seat, she stood up.

[INAUDIBLE] Baptist minister Stood in Lincoln's shadow and gave a speech. 200,000 strong heard how love could right the wrongs. He had a dream. When the fear finally fades away And the smallest of steps becomes great, The world finds a hero, and once again we know the way Is still being paved for the home of the brave.

Eleventh of September in Pennsylvania, High above the ground, flight 93.

He knew it meant his life as he whispered to his wife, "We're gonna do something."

A teacher shouldn't have to be a soldier. But when bullets drowned the laughter in the halls, She hid the kids away And became a shield to save them all.

And when the fear finally fades away And the smallest of steps becomes great, The world finds a hero, and once again we know the way Is still being paved for the home of the brave.


When the quarterback sits down next to the lonely girl one day, When the father has a hug for his returning runaway, It's the light that pierces darkness and the love that pierces hate That make this the home of the brave.

When the fear finally fades away And the smallest of steps becomes great, The world finds a hero, and once again we know the way Is still being paved for the home of the brave.

This is the home of the brave.

Welcome back to another episode of Mormon Channel Studio. My name is Alex [INAUDIBLE], your host, and that was just wonderful. Thank you. That was "Home of the Brave" by Firefly. Guys, that was just bravissimo, as we say in my country. Thank you. Seriously, thank you for sharing that. Thank you so, so, much. I want to know more about this song. What inspired you to write this song? Well, we do songwriting in general; we love to write music. But this one had a really neat experience behind it, too. I got to write this song in Nashville with one of our favorite writers. His name is Dee Briggs. And he's had the opportunity to write with a lot of Nashville artists. And so we sat down to write this song, and we were talking about the stories of some very inspirational people--specifically in America, but really, this song can branch out to anyone in any culture. But when we sat down, we were talking about the stories of Rosa Parks and also Sandy Hook and the teachers there that sacrificed their lives for those students. And then as we were talking about the stories, we really thought about some more stories that were close to home. And we're from Arizona, land of the sunshine, yeah, but do you want to talk about the boy from Arizona? Yeah, there's just this story that we had heard about a high schooler, a football player, who would spend time-- Popular kid. --during lunch with a handicapped girl. And we just thought that was awesome that she might not have had a lot of friends, but that was an act of courage on his part to do that and to to just--yeah, to be brave in that moment. And so we, with this song, we hope to share that message, that we can be brave in small ways every day. They don't have to be huge acts of service, although those are amazing. But there's little ways that we can be brave to change someone's life. All the time. Really help. Really neat. Really neat. I want to ask you guys, being that you guys are sisters, who makes the assignments? Who's the boss? Who runs the show here? How do you coordinate, who writes what? What are the roles here? It's kind of changed through time. Yeah. When we first started, I was 13. So I'm 22 now-- Her cello was taller than her. Yeah. [EVERYONE LAUGHING] Yeah, it was big. So I was pretty young when we first started, so mostly, McKenzie and I would--Melanie started by herself, and then we hopped on and joined and started being her backup musicians. And then we all came together through time. So because of that, she kind of generally leads things. I'm just the oldest. But really, I feel like we all have a role, that we're mostly equal roles now. Yeah. As we do the music, we love to switch off and sing different parts. We love to write together, organize things together. And our parents do a lot for us as well. They do a ton. We're from a family of seven kids. Wow. And so everyone has red hair. Party. So this song is for your parents. They are heroes. Yeah, they are heroes. It is the truth; it totally is. Yeah, so, but with the family, you really do, you give and take in all different areas. We feel blessed to have a lot of peace when we play music together. I feel like we're able to create the music together because we do--I don't know, we're just-- Understand each other, yeah. Great friends. If you asked me who my best friends were, I'd say my sisters. That's awesome. That's who--and so I don't know. That's really neat. It definitely helps that way. We're lucky to be able to be here and hear you guys perform. It's really a treat for us. For me it is, I tell you that right now. Thank you. I understand you have another song that you're going to share with us today. What is that? We do. We're going to sing "The Lord Is My Light." So this is an LDS hymn that we've just arranged for ourselves, and we're going to sing that one to you. It's one of our absolute favorites. Amazing. I'm looking forward to hearing it. All right? Thank you. Thanks so much.


The Lord is my light; then why should I fear? By day and by night his presence is near. He is my salvation from sorrow and sin; This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring. The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song. By day and by night He leads, he leads me along.

The Lord is my light, my all and in all. There is in his sight no darkness at all. He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and King. With Saints and with angels his praises I'll sing. The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song. By day and by night He leads, he leads me along.

Along, along.

The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song. By day and by night He leads, he leads me along.

He leads me along.

The Lord is my light.

The Lord is my light.

The Lord is my light.

Mormon Channel Studio - Firefly

Sisters Melanie, McKenzie, Madelyn make up the band Firefly, and in this episode they perform an original song, “Home of the Brave,” as well as an arrangement of “The Lord is My Light,” one of their favorites hymns.

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