
Thanks for tuning in to another episode of Mormon Channel Studio. I'm your host, Ashley Hess. And this is Enliven.


Wow, that was amazing. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for that. So tell us a little bit about yourselves--how long you've been playing together, how you met. Well, we met at our school orchestra. We wanted--we had our orchestra concert during Christmastime, and we were like, "We should play something--we should play a duet for that." And so we did the Piano Guys' "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." We were like, "Oh, that was fun." And then while we were messing around backstage, we found out that we could improv together really well, like, we could just make stuff on the spot together. And so I was like, "I wonder if I wrote a song, if you'd be, like, willing to play it." And so I did it. I wrote the arrangement of "Jesus of Nazareth" and "I Believe in Christ," and then we did a music video for that. And then it just kind of took off from there. Awesome. That's amazing. You guys are very talented. Thank you. Thank you. So tell us about this song. What inspired the song? This song, I wrote--I actually originally wrote it way before I even met Sander. It was like when I was 12, 13 somewhere around then. My mom was really sick with Lyme disease, and I remember I was sitting at my piano. It was just an upright piano. And my mom, she was sitting down on the couch very sick. And she had been for months. And it was--like, my soul has ached for her, she'd been sick for so long. And we tried doctor after doctor, and nobody could heal her. And so I just wanted to give some sort of hope or comfort to her and to the whole family, really, because it was a big trial for all of us. And so I just said a little prayer, and then before--and then it just all came out. And then it was just a beautiful song that just came out. And then I was thinking, "Oh, that'd be really pretty with a cello." I didn't realize that it would actually happen. And then eventually Sander came in, and he just made up some parts to it, and now we have it all written down and recorded. Well, that's incredible. Yeah. I was able to really catch the vision of the song because my mom also has Lyme disease. And when I met Tyra--I think our moms knew each other before from a book club or something, but once we became better and better friends, our moms got closer together as well. And we had kind of the same trial. The biggest trial wasn't necessarily even the sickness; it was just the uncertainty of what she had and what was going to happen. So she led us to the clinic that gave us the answers that we needed. So this is also a special song for me. It's also a special song because this is the first time I ever heard Tyra ever play on the piano. That's a cool story. Wow. What a beautiful expression for you guys for your moms. That's amazing. So such great talent at such young ages. I mean, I hear you guys missed high school to come do this right now. Yes, we did. Let's keep you out a little bit longer. I hear you guys have another song for us. What's the next song you'll be playing? All right, next song we're going to be playing is "Come, Come, Ye Saints," a medley. Awesome, well, we're excited to hear it whenever you're ready. All right, thanks.


Mormon Channel Studio - Enliven

The two members of the band Enliven were excused from high school classes in order to perform on this episode of Mormon Channel Studio.

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