
Two Brothers Two is the continuing story of Sam and Luke and their two younger brothers, Tommy and Joseph, 5,000 days in the making. Watch Sam, Luke, Tommy, and Joseph negotiate the journey of adolescence on the road to young adulthood. While they don't have it all, they do have each other. And this is their story. When we first met Sam and Luke in Two Brothers, they didn't exactly get along. He solves things by hurting me. I'm not sad about anything. Turn the camera off. But as they grew into teenagers-- He's kind of like my role model. Me and Luke are best friends.

[CHEERING] Give it to him. Boom, baby! Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! So if you could wish for anything, what would it be? I would wish to play for BYU. I want to be on the BYU football team, even if I don't play. The ultimate goal is to get a scholarship offer--full-ride scholarship offer to play receiver. [MUSIC PLAYING]

So Luke, what's the importance of today? It's BYU senior day, arguably my biggest day of the summer. Why is that? Because it's my one day to compare myself to all the other recruits for BYU. And they're going to have to take a look at me, no matter what. Luke Nelson is a player that should be taken seriously--that is, a great player. I think he's got the ability to do great things. And we'll see if BYU gives him an opportunity to. Foreman, into the end zone. Throwing--he's got him in! Nelson makes the catch on the run! Juggling one-handed-- [MUSIC PLAYING AND CHEERING] Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! He's going to do it again! Nelson, a second touchdown return.

So tell me what happened. We called BYU, and he says, "Well, I don't know what to tell you. We're full." "OK, Coach. See you later. Bye." His dream of BYU, I guess it's kind of fading away right now. What was most frustrating was having someone else tell you that you weren't good enough--that after all those years of working hard, it's just like some man on the phone saying that "Sorry, there's not enough spots." So what else did he say? "You can try and walk on in the fall, but I don't know what else to say. We're full." So, yeah, for a Mormon, going on your mission's a big deal. My gut has always said that I'd go to South America. "--are hereby called to labor in the Chile Concepcion Mission." I'm going to Chile! Yes! [MUSIC PLAYING]

What we do is, we go up to fences and we go, "Alo." Alo! [SPEAKING SPANISH] OK, my Spanish is really bad. The language was very difficult for him. Yeah. And, like, I went to give my first lesson at the door, but she was like, "If you don't know Spanish, go back to your country." Two things I'm very afraid of in my life are dogs and food prepared in unclean ways. And I wonder if that's why I was sent here. And what's the rule for missionaries about finishing your food? They have a maggot farm right next to their dinner table. It's very impolite of you if you don't finish all your food. Sixteen is a lot of cats to have in any house. And I'm pretty sure all of the cats were in the kitchen. It was possible that this food was not prepared in a very clean way. A cat urinated on my sweatshirt. [MUSIC PLAYING]

OK, we taught this man named Omar today. He was somewhat successful, and then he lost everything when he became just, like, a hopeless alcoholic. And then we have Luciano. He had cancer when he was young. And he wants to be baptized, but his dad won't let him. He lost an eye. And he lives with his father. So today I was like, "I really want to talk to the [INAUDIBLE] family." We go up, and we walk around their house--a very old, rickety house. I didn't even know houses like that existed. I'd never seen people living like that before. Then we go into this house. And I see this little girl with dirt all over her face and his little brother and then Gaston. And I talked to him a little bit--like, you will never meet just a sweeter kid than him. He's a lot like me. He'll look at me and smile and be like, "I want to work with electricity." Well, my favorite thing is electricity. But I always have a fear of getting shocked. I know exactly what he's thinking. Like, they were a really happy family. And the dad's got into drugs and stuff, and he's living with another woman a couple days ago. And they went to call their dad, and the dad said, "I'm not going to give you the money." And then Gaston was like, "Dad, I--" [SIGHS AND SNIFFS] "I need shoes." And then the dad swore at him and hung up the phone. [MUSIC]

A street camera captures one of the largest earthquakes in a century to hit Chile.

At about midnight we got a phone call from Luke, and he said, "There's been an earthquake in Chile." And then it came out that the epicenter was right near Concepcion, which is right where Sam was. And all of a sudden, my heart sunk. Good morning, everyone. This is a Channel 4 news alert. There's been a massive, deadly earthquake that's just struck in central Chile. Its magnitude is measuring upwards of 8.8 on the Richter scale. And so we called the consulate in Chile to see if they could help us. [MUSIC PLAYING]

--the right thing. And then the consulate called on the sixth day, seventh day, and said, "We're sorry, but we can't find your son." [MUSIC PLAYING]

So walk-on day is next week--150 kids trying out, eight spots. And it's your last chance to fulfill your dream to play BYU football. There's probably 12. And they said they'll take one. Oh, man, it hasn't been posted yet. My response was to get on my knees and say, "Heavenly Father, now what? Help me get through this. If I've lost Sam, help me to do the right thing." [MUSIC PLAYING]

Two Brothers Two: From Boys to Men – Episode 3

In the unique new documentary series Two Brothers Two, director Rick Stevenson takes us on a 10-year journey through the lives of the Nelson brothers, Sam, Luke, Tommy, and Joseph, as they struggle to find love for each other and for themselves.