
I would really like my students to know their Savior and understand what He did for them and for all of us. We can return to our Father in Heaven because of the Atonement of the Savior. And it's so important for our youth, our students, everybody. I want everybody in the world to know about the Savior and what He has done for us. When I see the students come in each day, I look at them and I want to know them. They all come from different places in their lives, different backgrounds, different homes. Their situations are all different. And I want to know their problems and their issues in their lives, their happinesses, their sadnesses, their angst, their problems. But I can't do that. I don't have the ability to know everything that's going on in their lives. I realized when I first started teaching that I cannot teach everything. I can learn. I can study. I can get all the knowledge I want, and I can actually say it pretty well and tell everybody how I feel and what I think. But without the Holy Ghost, I cannot teach.

Students' Needs

Using the spirit to teach is vital to help students learn about the gospel and understand the atonement.

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