

I love fashion because I get to create beautiful things that exist in my head and then make them come to life. Just walking around the city, I get so many ideas. I love the energy. I want young girls to, like, look at my clothes and be like, "I want to wear Taylor Morgan's clothes. I want that," and then realize, "Wait, I'm dressing modestly." Even though it's fashion, like, I see missionary work through it, and I feel like that's my life calling. Heavenly Father knew who I needed to marry, because this guy moved to New York City for me. We're a good match because he definitely pushes me to reach my potential and believes in me. I believe that marriage is forever. I believe that this woman right here, she is the way I'm going to get to reach my potential. I believe in her 100 percent. And I believe in him 150 percent. 70. I win. 170 percent.

Fashion & Faith

Working together in a marriage helps us achieve our potential.

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