
The first time that I went to the Sacred Grove, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of peace. I knew that a God existed, that He loved me, and that He cared about my well-being. As soon as I walked in there, I felt like I just walked into the temple for the first time again. I felt the Spirit. It was just so amazing. One of my children told me, "I didn't see anything extraordinary, any angels or anything." And he said, "But I felt that God was pleased with us." I mean, I already knew the Church was true and Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ. But this just reaffirmed to me that this was a sacred place. It's almost as if you can feel the Holy Ghost whisper, "Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father came here. These events are true. The things that Joseph Smith saw changed the world." I don't think it's something that you can ever forget.

The Sacred Grove: Testimonies

Members share their testimonies of the events that occurred in the Sacred Grove.

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