
I went to the Sacred Grove with my family. I remember going to a lot of the Church sites, but there was something different at the Sacred Grove. I just knew that this was the place that I've always read about. It was different from other places that I've been. It's the most peaceful place in the world. All you heard was the wind blowing within the trees, the birds chirping. Everywhere you looked light was just streaming down in all these just beautiful little pockets, and birds were singing everywhere. When we first got there, it was raining. It was raining, and it was cold and damp. And we prayed, and by the end of the afternoon, the sun had come out and we were able to walk around without an umbrella. We enjoyed--just felt a warmth, just this warmth inside of us.

The Sacred Grove: Being There

Members share their memories of what it is like to visit the Sacred Grove.

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