
[BIRD SOUNDS] Come here, boy. Come here, Sam.

Hey, how you doing? I'm all right. You? All right.

[HORSE NEIGHING] Hey, Dad, you need any help? Sure. How's your day been? Well, okay, I guess. Why? This sudden urge to help. It's got me a little concerned.

Actually, there is something I'd like to talk to you about. Yeah, what is it?

Well, it's about this friend of mine. We got to talking a couple days ago and she's going out with this guy. And they're getting, you know, too involved. She insists it's no big deal. And, Dad, she's a member of the Church and everything. She says it's her life, and she can do what she wants. I don't know. I mean, it is her life, isn't it? No.

No what? Just no. You do that on purpose, don't you? Do what? Try to irritate me with your simple answers. Not really. Your friend's just a little mixed up about life. I just tried to answer your question. And that's the answer. If you wanted more detail, you can find it for yourself in 1 Corinthians, chapter 6. Thanks, Dad. I think that'll be a little more helpful.

[MUSIC: CAROLYN CROFT SINGING "EMILY"] Emily, my friend, partner in many dreams. Hey, what's up? Oh, hi, Dad. [MUSIC: "EMILY"] Looking down the road I see your choice is not what it seems. Nail it down yet? Not yet, but I will. Well, I told you, you should have stuck with the simple answer.

[MUSIC AND SINGING: "EMILY"] I search for an answer. By the Spirit now I feel God's word will show us where to go. But will you let me show you what I know?

Oh, Emily, my friend.

Look at all the eggs we got! Hey, that's great. Wow, we got quite a few today. Take them in the house to Mom. Okay.

So, why is immorality wrong? Well, because it's a sin. That's a simple answer. The question is, When a person is immoral, what is he or she sinning against?

Their own body. Well, yeah, but why is it a sin if it's your own body? I mean, it's my life. I can do what I want.

I don't know. You tell me. I can't. It's too easy.

[MUSIC AND SINGING: "EMILY"] Emily, my friend, partner in many dreams.

At your side I see your choice is not what it seems.

I search for an answer. By the Spirit now I feel God's word has shown us where to go. But will you let me show you what I know?

Dad, it's not our body. What? Well, it says here that our bodies are not our own. So whose are we? It says our spirits and our bodies belong to God. And why do we belong to God? Well, because He bought us with a price. Good. That's the first reason why we don't have a right to defile our bodies. Do you know why we had to be bought? Well, it doesn't say, but I think it had something to do with sin. You're exactly right. Look up Alma 42, verse 6, and read the last two lines.

"And man became lost forever, yea, they became fallen man." What predicament did man find himself in? We were lost forever. That's why the Savior had to buy us back. Right. How did He make the payment? By suffering for each of us during the Atonement. Would you have made that payment if He hadn't? I don't think so. You're right. There's no way you could have. You see, Jesus Christ, He paid the price for our souls. A payment that, well, that we can't make on our own. That's the power of the Atonement.

A second reason I can't defile my body is my love for the Savior and my gratitude for His sacrifice.

That's really powerful. I'd never connected those two before. What two? Well, the Atonement and morality. Do you think my friend will accept it? Well, that all depends on how she feels about the Savior.

Thanks, Dad. Come on, let's go get something to eat. There you go. [MUSIC AND SINGING: "EMILY"] Oh, Emily, my friend, partner in many dreams. Walk with me and see just what these choices mean.

Oh, Emily, I have seen.

These Things Are an Abomination

(Alma 39) Concerned about a friend who is heading down a path of sexual immorality, a young woman turns to her father for advice.

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