
In these examples I'm not contrasting the culture or traditions of one part of the world with another. I am contrasting the Lord's way with the world's way-- the culture of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the culture or traditions of every nation or people. No group has a monopoly on virtue or an immunity from the commandment to change. Jesus and His Apostles did not attempt to make Gentiles into Jews. They taught Gentiles and Jews, attempting to make each of them into followers of Christ. Similarly, the present-day servants of the Lord do not attempt to make Filipinos or Asians or Africans into Americans. The Savior invites all to come unto him and His servants seek to persuade all-- including Americans-- to become Latter-day Saints. We say to all, give up your traditions and cultural practices that are contrary to the commandments of God and the culture of His gospel, and join with His people in building up the kingdom of God. If we cease to walk in darkness, the Apostle John taught, "we walk in the light, we have fellowship, one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

Culture Of Christ

(Acts 15:1-29) Elder Dallin H. Oaks talks about following the culture of Christ.

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