
A few months ago, I was just going to go through the motions, just kind of going to Church, sitting down in class, and just listening to the lessons. My attitude's completely changed. I remember before I barely read my scriptures. Now it's like every night. It's real intent, wanting to get something out of it. Something's changing. It's us. Living in the world that we live in now, you cannot go through it without having a strong foundation in the Church. And that only comes through scripture study, prayer, and obeying the commandments. We have a new vision, a new energy, and a new opportunity. The Lord is inviting us to become converted to His gospel now. It's time to learn. They can't just give you a testimony. You can't just live off of their testimony. You have to listen to what they're saying and say, "Hey, I want to try that." And I guess that just as I'm getting older, I can realize that it's something that I have to want to be good. I have to want to live righteously. To really learn, we'll have to prepare ourselves. You have a lot more on you, meaning that you have to come to class prepared. You prepare all week to go to class, I think. And that's what I love most about it. The learning, it doesn't stop in just Sunday School. You carry on throughout the week, or your teacher gives you assignments and you need to come prepared for the next Sunday. As we learn, we won't be alone. We'll work together. I think we're pulling together now. We're not only trying to individually build ourselves up in the gospel, but we're pulling each other along. We're helping build each other up and carry each other with us. There's strength in numbers, and I think now we can depend on each other, because we know everyone here has testimony and we can rely on it. The Holy Ghost will guide our learning. I love this gospel, and I love going to church and being able to feel the Spirit every week. That's what this whole curriculum is about is hearing the Spirit and acting on it. When you feel that Spirit so deeply and strong, you cannot deny that. And it's-- It's addicting too. You love the feeling of the Spirit in the room. I just, I love it. And as we learn, we'll grow, become, and see our lives in a different way.

We Learn

The Lord is inviting us to become converted to His gospel right now while we're young. We learn and grow when we prepare ourselves, work together, and seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

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