
My name is Hailey, and I am from Washington. I like to read, ride my bike, and play with my friends and family. My favorite subject is science because you can work on all kinds of interesting projects. I have three brothers and a sister who passed away. One Sunday as I sang the opening hymn in church, I felt her spirit. I know that even though she is not on earth with our family now, she is still part of our family. When I miss her, the Holy Ghost comforts me. I live on a small island in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is home to about 2,500 people. There are many small farms, and we have a wonderful community spirit. Our family raises sheep, pigs, goats, and chickens on the farm. We even grow our own garden. We used to ride a ferry for almost two hours to get to church, but this year our island was blessed with a branch. My brothers and I are the only Primary kids, so we get to participate a lot. I have the opportunity to say prayers, play the piano in sacrament meeting, give talks, and be a happy example to my friends. My name is Hailey, and I am one in a million.


Hailey from Washington magnifies her talents by giving talks and playing the piano in her small branch and by being an example to her friends.

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