
Hi, my name is Emma. I'm 11 years old. Today I'm going to meet the Primary general president, Sister Lant, and tour the Relief Society Building on Temple Square. Hi, Emma. Hi. I'm so glad you could come and visit me today. I'm glad to be here. I understand you have some questions to ask me. Mm-hmm. Good. Before we start, though, can I tell you a little bit about Primary? Sure. OK. I'd like to show you these pictures back here on the wall. The children are being brought by their parents, and by other people that love them, to the Savior. And in Primary, this is what we do, is gather the children to come to the Savior and learn about Him. The scripture over here on the wall tells us about what we are doing: "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." Now, we know that if we can teach children about Jesus Christ, that they'll feel happy in their lives. They'll know all the things that they need to do to be close to Him and to have peace. How has Primary changed since you were a kid? Well, we did different things. Let me show you. Right here. Can you see that bandalo right there? When we turned eight, we got that bandalo. And we had to do special things to earn those little jewels and those little emblems. Now, today you have the Faith in God program, and you do a lot of the same activities that we did. How can girls and boys prepare in Primary for the Young Women and Young Men program? The first thing that we learn is about Heavenly Father and Jesus. We learn that They love us and that we can love Them. And then we learn about what we need to do to be baptized and to perform other ordinances in the gospel. And then we work at being better at learning the gospel and living the gospel and keeping the commandments. And finally, we're preparing young men to receive the priesthood. There's a lot they need to learn about being good priesthood men. And so we start to teach them in Primary. And we start to teach the young women how to be good young women, how to be righteous and how to be virtuous. And we start to talk about going to the temple and about being missionaries. And all of those things help them build their testimonies and help them be strong so that they can be faithful when they're young men and young women. What do you hope the children in the Church will grow up to be? I hope they'll grow up to be good missionaries and good mothers and good fathers, always keeping the commandments and always turning to their Father in Heaven.

Relief Society Building

Year on Temple Square - Relief Society Building

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