
As the ward council focuses on a plan for the rescue effort, the goal is to keep it simple. No new programs or reports are needed. The tools are already in place. One of those tools is the New and Returning Member Progress form. The ward council uses portions of this form in planning how to teach and strengthen returning members. Watch how the bishop in this ward used the form to plan next steps for his new and returning members, especially in providing them opportunities for responsibility.

Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord revealed an important principle of working in the ward council: "Let not the head say unto the feet it hath no need of the feet; for without the feet how shall the body be able to stand?" When every member of the ward council works together with their diverse gifts, talents, insights, and experience, they help each new and returning member stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

When the bishop and the ward council follow the Savior's example, they focus on individuals and families. One of the things that we've needed to focus on is to move away from the programs themselves and focus actually on the individual, on the families. So part of our role through Relief Society, or through the elders quorum, or high priest is actually we talk about the families. To assist recent converts and members who've not been active, they use the New and Returning Member Progress form. The steps outlined on the form help new and returning members grow and progress in the gospel. For example, one of these steps is to be interviewed and receive a responsibility, or a calling, in the Church. I've been going through this list. Let's start with Michael. He had interviews with me. We prepared him to go to the temple. He had a temple trip shortly after he was baptized, if you remember. Uh-huh. He received the Aaronic Priesthood straightaway. We involved him in blessing and passing the sacrament as an Aaronic Priesthood holder. He wants to attend Sunday School classes. He's received a calling, and he loves it. So that's some of the benefits of that. In fact, before he received the calling, his attendance was wayward, wasn't it? Yeah. That calling was inspired because since then he's been coming every week. Obviously, already this, in my mind, has helped us to focus on something that is his next development need, if you like. It's important for every member to feel a part of the ward, to feel like they're contributing to the ward. I think, well, because I didn't come to Church for seven years, then by teaching in Primary--even though they're simple principles--it's helped me remember things, you know what I mean? And it's brought things back to my memory. I mean, they've been members much longer than I have, and I'm teaching them. It seems a bit weird. But I was called to do it, so I'm doing it. When I first joined the Church, I always believed in God, but I wasn't sure about Joseph Smith. And people were telling me to pray for an answer, and I wasn't getting one. I think I have received one by teaching His gospel. The more I'm with them, it helps me develop in the Church as well. It's really helped me a lot. Every step--every calling, activity, ordinance, and opportunity--is planned to help new and returning members progress toward receiving temple ordinances. And the ward council works together to make that plan. This is just not about bishop. In fact, it says to assign ward members--ward council members. Yeah. It's absolutely fine for the likes of Ben to say, "I have a need for such and such a brother." And then Roger might say, "Oh, I could help with that." And then you two work together collectively to help that brother in the family. Or the same with a Primary child, like we did with Josiah, and so on. In addition to providing responsibility, or a calling, other steps include enrollment in the Gospel Principles course, reteaching the missionary lessons, starting a family group sheet, and completing the Temple Preparation Seminar. That's what the calling's about--it's about helping a person's progress in whatever capacity it is, myself included. And that's what I enjoy about serving in the gospel of Jesus Christ; and that's what I've seen with these people. The same applies for them, as well as me. As the Savior taught, "The body hath need of every member, that all may be edified together." Working under the direction of your bishop and with the members of your ward council, identify specific new or returning members in your ward or branch. Using the New and Returning Member Progress form, what steps would bless their lives now?

New and Returning Member Progress

Ward council members help strengthen new and returning members in the ward.

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