
My name is Addison, and I'm from Georgia. For three and a half years I lived in Hanoi, Vietnam, with my family. I have two older brothers, Ashton and Aiden; a younger sister, Ruby; and a younger brother, Alistair. I like living in the United States, but I miss Vietnam. I loved camping in the jungles and mountains there. You can see monkeys playing in the water, and giant spiders. I won second place in a duathlon, where you run and ride a bike. Our family spoke English at home, but I learned Vietnamese at school. Not very many people in Vietnam believed in Jesus Christ. Our housekeeper wanted to know why we went to church all the time, so we invited her to come with us. Soon she was baptized, and she just went to the Manila Philippines Temple. I loved helping the Church grow by playing the piano in Primary and leading the music. I taught the Vietnamese children to sing Primary songs in English, and they taught me to sing in Vietnamese. There wasn't a baptismal font in the building where we had church, so I was baptized in a small pool. It was great to see a Vietnamese boy baptized on the same day, too. One of the most special things that happened to our family in Vietnam was adopting my little brother, Alistair. Then we all went to the temple, and my grandpa sealed us together as a family forever. I felt close to Jesus that day. I feel happy to know that Jesus will always help me and that I can return to live with Him and Heavenly Father. My name is Addison, and I'm one in a million.


Though he now lives in the USA, Addison’s experiences in Hanoi, Vietnam, brought him closer to Jesus and Heavenly Father in many ways.

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