
I'm also grateful for the warnings of the scriptures and Church leaders on things to avoid. By following that counsel, I've been able to avoid pitfalls that might otherwise have trapped and enslaved me. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, and gambling are but a few examples of dangerous substances and addictive practices we have been warned to avoid. I appeal to all, especially to young people, to hear and heed the words of the men and women God has called as your leaders and teachers. You will be blessed if you refrain from setting your own wisdom or desires ahead of the commandments of your Creator and the warnings of His servants. The scriptures tell us to take upon us the "whole armor" of God that we "may be able to withstand the evil day." They promise that the "breastplate of righteousness" and "the shield of faith" will "quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." I urge you to obey those teachings and lay claim on those blessings.

Take Upon You My Whole Armor

(D&C 27:15-18) Elder Dallin H. Oaks teaches about the Taking on the whole armor of God.

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