
I'm Jill and I do community theater here in Beaumont. And I'm Doctor Marshall Hayes. I'm an orthopedic surgeon here in Beaumont. Well, I was born and raised right here in Southeast Texas. I was educated here, attended Lamar University, then went off to the University of Texas at San Antonio for medical school, California for four years, and then back to Texas, true blue Texan. Jill's stage is one for the community to view. Mine is in a more private setting in the operating room. And there I can use my talent and my gift to try and help people with their various afflictions. To understand the complexity of the human body, to me, it was absolute evidence that God designed this physical body and a marvelous way that we can barely describe, much less comprehend. Musical theater began early in my life. Actually in fifth grade I began writing musicals and performing on the playground. When I sit on the board for community theater, they know what my standards are. And I'll only direct or perform or do a musical that I feel I can put my name on. And I think if people attend theater it should be an uplifting experience. It should either make them a better person or it should be a happy, uplifting escape from the rest of their world and things that they're doing. I did put my husband on stage once. He does not like-- Once. He does not like to perform. First and a final performance. But he's the greatest supporter. I mean he's always there taking photos and video. A matter of fact he has been our cast physician. We're members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And that makes all the difference in everything that we do. It's been a tremendous asset to us to have our children raised in a community where family values and faith is so strong. We're in the Bible Belt here, and we love it. Our friends are wonderful, been a real blessing to us.

The Hayes

Husband and wife Marshall and Jill Hayes speak about being members of the Church in Texas.