
I was brought up by my parents that education and wealth in this world would make you happy. I try everything I can to achieve education and to achieve financial success. But even when I have that, I'm not happy. And I was wondering why life would be so unsatisfying. Why would life be so dark that you couldn't find any happiness, any real happiness in life? And I always continued to search through the journey, hoping that someday something will happen. But the good thing was that when my wife and I joined the Church, the thing that truly makes us happy is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the promise that the gospel, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, brings into our life. Happiness in this life are likely to have when we obey God and do the things that He wants us to do. But better yet, true happiness will come after this life when we really return to Him again and to live the kind of life that He lives and to have the things that He has. That is true happiness. Key was born in Laos. He met and married his wife in Australia. Today they and their five children live in Oakdale, Minnesota. He was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in July 1998.

Search for Happiness—Key

Key explains how the gospel brings true, lasting happiness in this life and the next.