
And I was told of the gospel being restored and the heavens being opened and Joseph Smith being able to translate by inspiration-- someone who was not a learned man but was then chosen to be a prophet. I thought, why did Heavenly Father stop choosing prophets on this world? Why did that cease? Of Noah and all of these people who are great men, why did Heavenly Father stop? And when the missionaries helped me to understand and go into scripture and be able to find confirmation for that and really pray about it, I thought that makes so much sense, that in this day and age, in such time of trial and trouble, that we would be guided and have inspiration through a modern-day prophet. And the first time I heard the prophet speak was the day that I decided to be baptized. And that was the most amazing experience I've ever had. And I thought, he is a prophet of God. And he's living with us in this world today. And I thought, of course he is. With a loving Heavenly Father, of course He would have somebody living with us today that could help and give us the inspiration that we don't have on our own, and that these traits will continue to be revealed as time goes on and as we are obedient. I thought that was amazing to have a modern-day prophet.

Noelle and her husband, Christian, live in Mission Viejo, California, and they're expecting their first child. She was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in August 2004.

Importance of a Modern Day Prophet—Noelle

Noelle talks about having a modern-day prophet.