
When you talk about truth, everybody, I think, is searching for truth in one way or another, whether it's truth in their own life or whether it's truth in the universal sense of spiritual truth. And for me, this Church has allowed me to see that the gates of heaven have been opened again and that our Father in Heaven wants us to have all of these things, wants us to be able to choose. And the wonderful part of truth restored is there's nobody that's going to force you to follow that truth. You have to see for yourself and choose to accept it. Or you can choose to reject it. Because along with having the truth restored, we have free will, as man always has. But this Church allows us to have the fulness of the gospel and to have things that maybe, at some point in time, we weren't all ready for. But we are now. And we need those teachings to help us through the world that we live in.

Noelle and her husband, Christian, live in Mission Viejo, California, and they're expecting their first child. She was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in August 2004.

Truth Restored—Noelle

Noelle explains how truth was restored.