
I think one of the things I'd struggled with in the other forms of Christianity that I'd been taught as I'd been growing up was that there was a very black-and-white line between heaven and hell, between the people who somehow embraced Christianity and those who didn't. And those who didn't seemed to include an awful lot of people. They included people who never had the chance to hear about Jesus Christ, who may have lived in countries where Christianity just wasn't an option, wasn't taught. They also included people who may have been good people, may have done good things during this life, may have lived good lives in many ways, may have been generous and kind and people of integrity, but who didn't embrace Christianity for one reason or another. That they should be somehow denied some blessing through no fault of their own seemed unjust, just didn't seem fair at all. And it didn't seem like the kind of God that I'd been taught about growing up, who was supposed to be a loving God, kind, and blessed His children, would allow such a thing to happen. It didn't seem consistent. When I learned about the gospel and learned about the fulness of the gospel and the teaching that all people will have an opportunity to embrace the gospel, that how you live your life here does matter, and how you live according to the light that you've received matters whatever light that may be, that was a comforting doctrine. That made a lot more sense to me. It seemed a lot fairer, a lot more just. Jan was born in London, England, and baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in November 1995. He now lives outside Boston, Massachusetts, with his wife and daughter, where he works as a telecom analyst.

Opportunity for All—Jan

Jan explains how all people will have the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ.