
I've learned about Jesus Christ, that Jesus Christ is not just an imaginary or made-up person or figure. I mean, Jesus Christ really died for me. And I know that He did. And I know in my heart that He did, and that you can actually find out for yourself. And once you do, you will have a completely different look at life. Learning about the Church and learning about God, my Father in Heaven, and learning that Christ is real and that He's my brother from a pre-existence, from a life before, that we are all here with a purpose to return back to God, helps me every day of my life.

Doug and his wife, Debbie Jo, live in Charlottesville, Virginia, with their three children. Doug and Debbie Jo were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in June 2002.

Christ Is Real—Doug

Doug explains how he came to realize that Christ is real.