
I grew up not having much of a concept of religion. I had a few religious friends and they would occasionally encourage me to come to some of their meetings. I just never really felt anything from it and never really worried too much about it, and never really thought about the consequences of what happens to me after I die, those type of things. I was introduced to the missionaries and I was taught by the missionaries, and as I went to church, I did find that I did feel very comfortable there. And when I listened to the words that people were saying, it just felt very natural and strangely familiar to me. Like I said to you before, it just felt like I was almost coming home to something that I already knew. But as soon as you get into the Church, you're welcomed and everyone makes you feel very warm and everyone's very friendly, asks you about yourself. And there are lots of people there that I shared a lot of common interests with and I could have fun with. Automatically, your guards and any sort of worries that you have, they disappear.

Come Worship with Me—Simon

Simon talks about how he felt welcomed when he first came to church.