I said, Let's leave for Austria." "Oh no, you can't," Karen said. "Your parents are left in Germany and my parents as well." "They will understand," I replied. "We've already started to build a house," Karen told me. "Let's finish that." "No, let's start again," I said, "somewhere else, in western Germany." Again I tried to tell her we should leave. She said, "No, because you have just been called as bishop and you said yes, you would serve." This is why we did not leave Germany. Some weeks later the Berlin Wall was falling. We were blessed for staying. This was Heavenly Father's way for us."

Tilgner Family

I said, Let's leave for Austria." "Oh no, you can't," Karen said. "Your parents are left in Germany and my parents as well." "They will understand," I replied. "We've already started to build a house," Karen told me. "Let's finish that." "No, let's start again," I said, "somewhere else, in western Germany." Again I tried to tell her we should leave. She said, "No, because you have just been called as bishop and you said yes, you would serve." This is why we did not leave Germany. Some weeks later the Berlin Wall was falling. We were blessed for staying. This was Heavenly Father's way for us."

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