Jesus Christ, thronged by a crowd of people, walking  through the streets of Jericho.  Christ is looking  up into a sycamore tree at Zacchaeus, the publican. Christ is beckoning to Zacchaeus.  Other people are also in the tree.   The painting illustrates the event wherein Zacchaeus, because he was short in physical stature, climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Christ in the midst of a large crowd.  Christ noticed Zacchaeus and chose  to spend the day with him, despite the cricitism of  the crowd that Zacchaeus was the chief of the publicans in Jericho.   (Luke 19:1-10)

Zacchaeus in the Sycamore Tree

Jesus Christ, thronged by a crowd of people, walking through the streets of Jericho. Christ is looking up into a sycamore tree at Zacchaeus, the publican. Christ is beckoning to Zacchaeus. Other people are also in the tree. The painting illustrates the event wherein Zacchaeus, because he was short in physical stature, climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Christ in the midst of a large crowd. Christ noticed Zacchaeus and chose to spend the day with him, despite the cricitism of the crowd that Zacchaeus was the chief of the publicans in Jericho. (Luke 19:1-10)

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