Image Collections
Nativity—Bible Images
Nativity—Bible Images
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A Crowd Gathers as John the Baptist Is Named
An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth
Angel Visits the Shepherds
Christ Is Presented at the Temple
Christ Presented to Simeon at the Temple
Elisabeth and John
Herod Learns of Christ's Birth
Herod Learns of the Prophecy of Christ
John the Baptist Is Named
Joseph Learns of the Birth of Christ
Joseph Learns of the Birth of Christ
Joseph at Christ's Birth
Life of Jesus Christ: Annunciation to the Shepherds
Life of Jesus Christ: Annunciation to the Shepherds
Life of Jesus Christ: Flight into Egypt
Life of Jesus Christ: Flight into Egypt
Life of Jesus Christ: Flight into Egypt
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Journey to Bethlehem
Life of Jesus Christ: Mary tells Joseph She is Pregnant