
Together we have the ability to help those who might be considering suicide.

We're a whole community, whole groups of people, ward families, individual families--we're walking this together. And we have a covenant responsibility to look out for one another. That's part of what we committed to do when we said that we would "bear one another's burdens" and "mourn with those that mourn; ... comfort those that stand in need of comfort." And so that involves developing an awareness of one another. In other words, put down the phone and look and see who needs your help. And when anyone says they're contemplating hurting themselves or they've had thoughts about a specific plan to take their own life, it's shocking. And in that moment, you really don't know what to say. And yet at that same time, you've got to pull yourself together and seek the Spirit of the Lord to guide you, to help you feel what He would say, to help you be able to express love for that person and the assurance that you are there for them, that you will stand by them, and that you're not going anywhere until they find help--the professional help, the counseling that they need. This is probably the preeminent thing that we can do in that moment. We are with them and willing to walk with them and be for them what the Savior would be.

McConkie: Preventing Suicide

Video: Sister Carol F. McConkie explains how you can help someone in crisis.

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