

[SINGING] I would that ye should understand that God Himself has come, redeemed us. Dwelling among us, the Son of God subjecting Himself to the will of the Father. And were it not for the redemption He made for us, that we'll be saved. Come heed, come love. Come to Jesus Christ. Come willingly to eternal life. Come feast upon the word of God. Just trust in Him and come.

For salvation cometh to the world through the Lord, for we must heed His word. He has broken the bands of death, filled with compassion towards His children.

And were it not for the redemption He made for us, that we'll be saved. Come heed, come love. Come to Jesus Christ. Come willingly to eternal life. Come here. Come to Jesus Christ. Come willingly to eternal life. Come feast upon the word of God. Just trust in Him and come.

Just trust in Him and come.

Just trust in Him and come.

Welcome back to Mormon Channel Studio. I'm your host, Bri Ray, and today we have a very special guest, Leslie Fatai. Leslie, can you tell me a little bit more about the song you just played? Yes. This song, "Come," I wrote it more than 10 years ago as I was preparing to serve a mission. And at the time, I was studying the Book of Mormon, and I was reading the prophet Abinadi's account as he was talking to King Noah and telling him about Christ. And so I took his words to write the verses, and the only part of the song that I actually wrote was the chorus. So that's the only part I'll take credit for. But the song has been such a milestone for my testimony because it has helped me understand my relationship with my Savior and has helped me understand what He wants me to do for Him. I love that. Well, it's clear that you have a very beautiful song inside of you. What challenges have you come across trying to get that song out? Oh, gosh. I think the biggest challenge was trying to understand who I am. For me, being born with just 5 fingers, it was natural for me to ask why. Why did I have only these 5 fingers when everyone got 10? But coming unto Christ has helped me understand who I am as a daughter of God. And I am so grateful that I was able to learn that and also feel my worth, that I am loved, that I'm worth something. Thank you for sharing. It's a beautiful story. You have one more song for us, correct? Yes, I do. Tell me a little bit about it. So this song is a hymn from the Tongan hymnbook, and it's not in the English hymnbook. It's called "Faka'ofa Kiate Au," translates to "He Who Was Crucified." And it's about the Savior as He goes through the Atonement. And I've heard the song growing up, especially during the sacrament, and it has always touched my heart. But I'm really excited to sing this song. I'm excited to hear it. Can't wait.



Mormon Channel Studio - Leslie Fatai

Leslie Fatai Nau came to Mormon Channel Studio to share a message that has shaped her life: our joy in life can be limitless if we draw near to Jesus Christ.

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