
As I close my remarks, I shall try to speak as plainly as I can. As I do, I pray that the Holy Ghost will carry my words to you and confirm them in your heart. Every single student you teach is a beloved child of our Heavenly Father. Each has received the supernal gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, wrought out for them with infinite sacrifice and love. Each of them was invited by the living prophet in the true Church of Jesus Christ to trust you. As a teacher of eternal truth, you are charged to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in simplicity and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Each of your students was once taught by our loving Heavenly Father in the spirit world before coming into mortality. Your students chose to follow His plan when others did not, and so gained the opportunity of passing the tests of mortal life to claim all the blessings made possible by the Atonement of Jesus Christ and to come home again to God to live in families in happiness forever. You teach students without a memory of their valiant past and the teachings they received from their Father. Yet each has been born with the Light of Christ, and each can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost even as surely as they feel the temptations of the same enemy they rejected in the preexistence. Their future in this world and the world to come depends on what spirit they will follow. Your power to help them depends upon your capacity to teach them so that they discern and want to follow the Spirit of God. You will teach with the Spirit of God when you teach the word of God. As you take your students with you into the scriptures and the words of living prophets, the Holy Ghost will testify to them and to you of eternal truth. The Holy Ghost will fill their hearts with a love of God the Father and of the Savior. The Holy Ghost will show them all things they should do to keep the commandments and make covenants with the God who loves them. Keeping those covenants will qualify each of them for the Holy Ghost as a companion to comfort and strengthen them on their way to eternal life with the Father and the Savior. Great is your work, and great are the promises you have been given. If you will qualify to be taught by the Spirit, you will be able to teach by the Spirit.

1 Great Is Your Work, and Great Are the Promises

President Eyring challenges us to turn our students to the Savior and to help them learn how they can fulfill the purposes for which they were sent to this earth (Henry B. Eyring, "To Know and to Love God," Feb. 26, 2010).

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