
The Savior entered a village, as recorded in Luke, one day where there were 10 lepers. 10 lepers. Now, those of us who have grown up in the last few years in mankind know very little about lepers, but that was that terrible, terrible, dreaded disease anciently. There were 10 lepers, and they came to the Savior and said, "Master, have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us with that terrible ailment of leprosy." And he said to those 10 lepers, "Go to thy priest."

"Go visit your priest." And they'll take care of you, which they did. They went to see their priest, and they were cleansed. 10 of them.

And then a short time later, one of them returned to the Savior and fell on his face and his hands and his knees in thanking the Savior for blessing him and to making him well from that terrible disease.

And the Savior said to that one man, "Weren't there 10?"

"What has happened to the other 9? Where are they?

And I've read that story again and again. It's made a great impression upon me. How would you like to be part of the 9 society?

Wouldn't that be something to belong to? To be numbered the one-- be numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior the great blessings that he had given them. Only one returned.

It's so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that kind of help change our lives, improve our lives but bring the spirit of the gospel into our lives.

But we sort of take it as granted. But how grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls?

And I would remind all of you.

That if we're ever going to show gratitude and do it properly to our Heavenly Father, we would do it with all of our heart might, mind, and strength because it was he who gave us life.

And gave us the breath to breathe and to live.

Taking the Lord's Blessings for Granted

(Luke 17:11-19) David B. Haight speaks about taking the Lord's blessings for granted.

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